Pivot Sudoku
Inspiration for this type comes from stephane.bura.
Solve online in Penpa+ (Thanks stephane!).
Apply classic sudoku rules.
For cells with arrows, the first N digits in all directions of the arrows must have an equal sum, where N is the digit placed in that cell. Digits may repeat in sums with a diagonal direction. Not all possible arrows are given.
Solution code: Row 7, followed by column 4.
on 23. August 2022, 08:34 by TomBradyLambeth
Such a joy to solve!
on 20. November 2021, 16:13 by Richard
Added link for online solving. Thx Stephane!
on 5. December 2020, 18:14 by Bankey
Another beauty from Richard ! Thoroughly enjoyed, thanks. The rule is elegant in its simplicity. Genius !!
on 26. September 2020, 14:30 by TimE
Lovely logic!
on 25. September 2020, 19:18 by SKORP17
Hu, da hab ich die ganze Zeit einen Denkfehler gemacht, nach 3 Tagen habe ich das endlich gemerkt.
on 24. September 2020, 00:33 by SudokuExplorer
Wonderful and beautifully set puzzle!
This was interesting all the way to the end :-)
Thanks a lot for making this beauty, and I look forward to trying your next creation :-)
on 23. September 2020, 20:47 by Richard
@geelow: if in R1C1 is a 2 for example, the sum of the 2 digits to the right equals the sum of the 2 digits below that cell. If it was a 3, it would be the first 3 cells for which the sums must be equal.
on 23. September 2020, 20:32 by Geelow98
I don't understand the instructions. Can someone give me an example of how the arrows relate?
on 23. September 2020, 20:21 by geronimo92
My 1000th solved puzzle couldn't be another one than one of yours Richard.... for all years of beauty, of patience, of creativity, of history..... 1000 times thanks a lot !!!!
@geronimo: thanks a lot!
on 23. September 2020, 16:03 by SKORP17
Ich habe mich glaube ich von der Beschreibung irritieren lassen. Es ist wohl nicht gemeint, dass ALLE Pfeile auf die gleiche Summe zeigen, sondern nur jew. die Pfeile in einer Zelle. Ein Beispiel wäre hilfreich.
Sorry to read that you are annoyed. But I shouldn’t know how to precise it even more. Examples are very rare in my puzzles since i think the rules themselves should be clear enough...
Do you still need more help for this one?
on 23. September 2020, 14:08 by stephane.bura
Wonderful opening!
Thanks again for the experience :)
Here's a Penpa+ grid for the puzzle: https://git.io/JUgww
Thanks! Both for your kind words as well as for the link! I will include it in the instructions as soon as I have decent internet access. (On vacation right now.)