Solution code: Row 9, Column 6, 18 digits, no spaces.
on 23. March 2023, 19:08 by PinkNickels
Nicely done, Prime! You indeed are the primest of all the weasel kingdom! :)
on 6. December 2021, 22:56 by Scruffamudda
Fun puzzle :)
Haha, thanks!
on 13. August 2021, 09:46 by PrimeWeasel
on 24. October 2020, 13:51 by Rollo
Very nice :-).
on 20. September 2020, 15:30 by PixelPlucker
Fun puzzle!
~ My pleasure!
on 18. September 2020, 10:02 by Joseph nehme
Cool puzzle. Thanks.
~ you're welcome
on 18. September 2020, 04:59 by panthchesh
Thanks for the puzzle :) It was fun!
@pantchesh You're welcome!
on 17. September 2020, 23:10 by PrimeWeasel
King's move constraint on 9
on 17. September 2020, 23:07 by PrimeWeasel
@Debrutsid I thought not touching diagonally would be enough. Didn't know about the King option. Should it say something like: Nines have to be a King's move apart from each other?
on 17. September 2020, 22:58 by geronimo92
Two puzzles in one day...... Nein !!
on 17. September 2020, 22:37 by Debrutsid
Very nice, enjoyed it, thought the puzzle was wrong as I thought the nines couldn't touch diagonally on the entire diagonal but it was only around the nine (king's move).
on 17. September 2020, 21:15 by PrimeWeasel
Hmm. That's not supposed to be there. I'll fix it sorry
on 17. September 2020, 21:05 by Big Tiger
"All cages sum to 18" ... so is there any significance to the small "5" in the top-leftmost cage?