Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Missing Pieces I

(Published on 16. September 2020, 19:04 by Geelow98)

  • Cells separated by a king's move (in chess) cannot contain the same digit.
  • Consecutive digits cannot lie in two cells connected orthogonally (i.e. sharing an edge).
  • Each row, column and square must contain the digits 1-9 according to the rules of Sudoku (unless cells blacked out).
  • Digits may be repeated in each row, column and square according to the rules of Sudoku.
  • Each diagonal with a specified number must total to the value placed for that series of digits.
  • Blacked out cells are not neccessary to solve the puzzle and should be treated as blockers.

Inspired by Richard's Sudoku Variants Series (190) - Blackout Sudoku.

Have fun cracking this puzzle! If there is still confusion on how to solve this puzzle, I will try my best to improve the instructions. Also, the penpa link below has one minor mistake for the '31' above column 2. THE '31' IS THE LITTLE KILLER FOR THE RIGHT DOWNWARD DIAGONAL. Spread the word and get to it!


Hint: If a cell is blacked out, it won't be apart of the Little Killer it lies in and takes away a possible digit in the row, column and square it is in.

Solution code: R2C5, R4C8, R7C3 to R7C9 (no Spaces or commas; 9 digits total) For example: 123456789

Last changed on on 18. September 2020, 20:05

Solved by Ours brun
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on 18. September 2020, 15:49 by Geelow98
Change in instructions

Last changed on 23. September 2020, 19:59

on 18. September 2020, 10:42 by SudokuExplorer
@Geelow98 Did you have a go at Richard's puzzle, as I'd recommended?

If so, are the rules like Richard's puzzle? Is this not a sudoku but a puzzle where we need numbers 1 to 9 not to repeat in any given row, column or region?

If not, is this a normal sudoku but where certain cells are not visible in the little killer sums?

The rules are not clear at all.

@SudokuExplorer This is a Sudoku puzzle and yes the rules are similar to Richard's. However, there are additional constraints as well.

Last changed on 18. September 2020, 15:49

on 17. September 2020, 02:39 by spxtr
I think the blacked out cells are not supposed to be counted for the little killer clues. Is that right? Note the wording of the rules in Richard's puzzle is not "standard sudoku rules apply," because they don't.

@spxtr :)

Last changed on 18. September 2020, 15:50

on 17. September 2020, 01:34 by SudokuExplorer
Can you please explain what you mean by "Blacked out cells are not necessary to solve the puzzle"?

@SudokuExplorer I refined the rules and instructions. Does that help clear things up?

Last changed on 16. September 2020, 21:06

on 16. September 2020, 21:00 by Ours brun
I meant that the Little Killer rules are not mentioned (if these are indeed standard Little Killer clues). I doubt the puzzle can be solved without them. :)

@Ours brun Ahhh I see your point :)

Solved:1 times
Observed:9 times

Puzzle variant English knowledge Arithmetic puzzle

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