Solution code: row 8 followed by column 8; in case of two-digit numbers, enter only the last digit (in total 20 digits, no spaces or commas)
on 27. November 2024, 11:45 by Piatato
Excellent! Very cleverly constructed!
on 29. April 2024, 18:38 by Agent
Great puzzle, beautifully constructed!
on 1. September 2023, 23:14 by Christounet
Exceptionnal puzzle once again ! Loved rhe negative constraint. Takes a moment to wrap your head around it, but when you do understand the implications, the solve becomes super fun and interesting. Thanks :)
On a side note, one more down, 2 left before I am done with your catalogue !
on 20. July 2023, 06:50 by mnasti2
Very slick and fun!
on 12. July 2023, 09:46 by StephenR
What a ride, I don't think I've ever failed to wrap my head around a negative constraint to such an extent as I did here. At no point did I feel sure=footed about it, but excellent puzzle, thanks.
on 19. January 2023, 19:59 by Myxo
Very hard puzzle, but well worth it!
on 13. November 2022, 19:46 by peacherwu2
Really learned the power at the upper left corner. Great experience!
on 12. November 2022, 17:42 by Elliptical
Good rule set. Great execution.
on 11. November 2022, 15:20 by Elliptical
I have a question.
In your 5x5 example the cell the arrow is coming from (the indexed digit) and the cell containing the arrow (the indexer) always contain different digits and are thus separated by a border.
Is that a requirement or did it jut happen to be that way for the example, but no such requirement exists for the main puzzle?
EDIT @Elliptical: there is no such requirement. It is only coincidence (and due to the small grid) that no such case occurs in the example. Regards, Jesper
on 26. October 2022, 20:03 by ONeill
Very enjoyable ruleset once you get used to it! Great puzzle
on 18. October 2022, 14:11 by Jesper
@Dandelo: richtig, die Regeln verlangen das nicht. Es ist eher zufällig, dass keinen sollchen Fall im Beispiel vorkommt.
on 18. October 2022, 13:42 by Dandelo
Dürfen das Feld mit dem Pfeil und das Feld, aus dem der Pfeil kommt, zum selben Gebiet gehören? Im Beispiel ist da immer eine Gebietsgrenze, aber die Regeln verlangen das nicht.
on 30. December 2021, 10:40 by polar
Stunning puzzle - a very worthy follow up to the original series! Thank you.
P.S. Turns out the solve is very smooth indeed, once I stopped making up my own slingshot board :D
EDIT @polar: Thanks for the kind words! I'm happy to hear that you found a smooth path through the puzzle :)
on 3. October 2021, 18:35 by PixelPlucker
One of the weirdest, most delightfully twisted negative constraints I've ever worked with! The solution path was challenging and engaging until the very end. Two and a half hours have flown by. Thank you, Jesper!
EDIT @PixelPlucker: Thanks! I'm really happy to hear that you enjoyed it, and that it gave you a proper challenge :)
on 7. September 2021, 20:43 by Vebby
Very nice! Took me a while to get a hang of the slinghsot rule. Needed the hint on where to look initially but after that it became pretty manageable. Lovely logic throughout :)
on 3. March 2021, 00:37 by DiMono
What a puzzle! I'm glad I got to be the one to break this out of provisional limbo. The solution path link in your hidden comment doesn't work though, so I can't check my path against yours :(
EDIT @DiMono: Thanks! And I'm really happy to see this one cross the line to an official rating. I didn't expect that it would get enough solves when I posted it, to be honest. Regarding the broken solution path link, I can only assume it is related to updates to Penpa+. Let's see if I can repair it this weekend, or potentially replace it with a solution path video. If I manage, I will reply to you again to let you know.
on 14. December 2020, 18:02 by MartinR
Yes, that was a tough one, but satisfying to complete
(had one moment where I thought I had broken it near the end, but managed to spot the typo I'd made just in time :)
on 5. December 2020, 18:55 by harrison
Thanks Jesper, this was really awesome!
EDIT @harrison: thanks for the nice comment! I'm really happy that you enjoyed the puzzle. This is my hardest puzzle to date, so well done solving it!
on 16. September 2020, 23:06 by Jesper
@cdwg2000 @spxtr Thank you very much!
@stephane.bura Yes! I bet you weren't expecting a slingshot fillomino :)
on 16. September 2020, 12:17 by spxtr
Very nice puzzle! Consistently hard throughout, but as you get the hang of it it starts to flow nicely.
on 15. September 2020, 20:04 by stephane.bura
on 15. September 2020, 14:33 by cdwg2000
Nice puzzles!
on 14. September 2020, 21:48 by Jesper
This is a difficult puzzle, with a long solution path that requires application of a wide range of negative restrictions. The feedback from my tester was that I should definitely give this a 5-star difficulty rating. If you are up for a challenge, go for it, but in case this does not sound like your kind of fun, you might prefer trying one of my other fillomino variants - for example the 10x10 Cave Fillomino (, or the 9x9 Fillomino Skyscrapers (