Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Killer Sudoku(004)

(Published on 11. September 2020, 10:43 by cdwg2000)

Killer Sudoku

Rules: Place the digits from 1 to 9 in every row, column and 3x3-block. The small numbers in the dotted outlined areas are the sum of the digits in that area. Within a dotted outlined area all digits must be different.

The author of the puzzle is my friend 罗思远(Luo Si Yuan) from China. I hope you like it and would appreciate any form of feedback.

This question is from the 63th match of the China Sudoku Online Championship(CSOC).

F-puzzles link

CTC link

Solution code: Row 2, followed by Row 8.

Last changed on on 23. August 2022, 23:09

Solved by Ours brun, henter, flo_310, abed hawila, MavericksJD, GD20, skywalker, Quarterthru, MumboJumbo, ThrowngNinja, bosjo, NikolaZ, rimodech, Frankenfruity, Imperial Marcher, Nylimb, meowzzz, kishy72, ... Mesmer, samuella, Willy Wonka, bob, Uhu, Zzzyxas, zhergan, Fred Yamred, karen_birgitta, sandmoppe, morgannamodeaura, StefanSch, Mody, PixelPlucker, apwelho, EmX68, PsychedelicCreature, arteful
Full list


on 14. September 2020, 16:14 by cdwg2000
@Ours brun@marcmees@SudokuExplorer

It’s great for you to like it, Luo Si yuan’s next problem can’t wait.:)

on 12. September 2020, 23:53 by SudokuExplorer
Thanks Luo Si Yuan for making such a lovely killer sudoku. I'm usually not a fan of classical killer sudokus, but this one looked very pretty and was very enjoyable. :-)

Last changed on 12. September 2020, 19:02

on 12. September 2020, 19:02 by marcmees
very nice ... my rating did raise the average by 1. :-)

on 12. September 2020, 11:56 by Ours brun
@cdwg2000 I believe it works this way: "not nice at all" gives 0%, "not very nice" 25%, average 50%, nice 75% and very nice 100%. Then of course the rating you see displayed is the average of all the votes.

on 12. September 2020, 04:17 by cdwg2000
What does rating mean for the website’s rating system?

on 11. September 2020, 11:48 by cdwg2000
@Ours brun

Glad you like it, and thank you for the F-Puzzles link.

on 11. September 2020, 11:41 by cdwg2000
Increase online problem solving link

on 11. September 2020, 11:26 by Ours brun
Very nice. Surprisingly tricky for a competition puzzle. Here is a link to solve it with F-Puzzles: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=y6pm6fcq

Rating:83 %
Solved:52 times
Observed:12 times

Puzzle variant Online solving tool

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