This is a puzzle with normal Thermo Sudoku rules.
Place a digit 1, …, 9 into each cell of the grid. Each row, column, and boldly outlined 3 × 3 box must contain each of the digits 1, …, 9 exactly once. Along thermometers, the digits must increase starting from the bulb.
You can solve the puzzle in your browser using the f-puzzles tool here.
I am happy to respond to comments requesting hints.
Solution code: Row 6 and 7
on 2. February 2023, 23:57 by Agent
This puzzle has a very clever and surprising break-in! Possibly one of the best pure thermos I have solved.
on 13. June 2021, 02:52 by Nylimb
Wow! It took me 1.5 hours of staring just to see how to get started, and another hour to finish it. Thanks!
on 3. February 2021, 02:02 by LucyH
Incredible puzzle! Fortunately I had recently solved the puzzle with id=00054W.
on 1. December 2020, 16:14 by Ours brun
I must be a bit slow, but I just found out about this puzzle. I wish I had seen it earlier, it was unbelievably good. Great work.
on 13. October 2020, 15:06 by Madmahogany
This is just sheer brilliance
on 11. September 2020, 03:03 by glum_hippo
Uff da
on 6. September 2020, 21:01 by mandourin
Great idea, as usual.