Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

The Four Prime Suspects

(Published on 4. September 2020, 09:13 by Stavros96)


- The grid is split into 4 coloured regions

- Each colour in the grid sums to a unique prime number which appears in the white circle(s)

- The killer cages within each colour sum to the same prime number total, but these totals must differ from colour to colour

- Digits cannot repeat within killer cages and normal sudoku rules apply

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Inspired by RockyRoer's "Rings Around the Rosy Sudoku".

Solution code: Row 5 and Row 6

Last changed on on 4. September 2020, 09:20

Solved by bosjo, Julianl, RockyRoer, marcmees, MagnusJosefsson, kroutu, panthchesh, wenchang, Todschick, MumboJumbo, Nejaru, Hareeb, SKORP17, meowzzz, CaballeroOscuro, NikolaZ, Snowhare, idegas, Imperial Marcher, geronimo92, zorant, apwelho
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Last changed on 5. September 2020, 17:25

on 5. September 2020, 16:30 by SKORP17
Each of the red killer cages sum to the same prime number.
Das heisst (im Beispiel) alle roten Käfige haben dieselbe Summe, aber nicht 179.

@SKORP17 That's correct. If one red cage sums to 17 (example), they all must sum to 17. But other cage groups (blue, green) sum to different prime numbers.

"The same prime number" ist etwas missverständlich, bezieht sich also nicht auf die Primzahl in den weissen Kreisen.

Nope, "the same prime number" doesn't refer to the number in the white circles. Sorry for confusion.

Last changed on 5. September 2020, 04:03

on 4. September 2020, 21:49 by SKORP17
- Each colour in the grid sums to a unique prime number which appears in the white circle(s)

- The killer cages within each colour sum to the same prime number total, but these totals must differ from colour to colour

das verstehe ich nicht

For example, if the red cells sum to 179, you place "179" in the white bubble. Then, the other colours would sum to different prime numbers, not 179.

Each of the red killer cages sum to the same prime number. Then, each of the blue cages sum to the same prime number, but must be a different number to the red cages. Same with the other colours.

on 4. September 2020, 21:09 by panthchesh
I love your use of primes :) Thanks for the puzzle!

on 4. September 2020, 14:07 by marcmees
good fun solving. thanks

on 4. September 2020, 11:10 by bosjo
Very nice puzzle! The maths content should not deter anyone from trying this elegant work; it is not too complicated.

Rating:88 %
Solved:22 times
Observed:13 times

Standard puzzle Puzzle variant Arithmetic puzzle

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