Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Hide and Seek Sudoku

(Published on 3. September 2020, 14:22 by clover)

- Normal sudoku rules apply.

- Along each thermometer, the digits strictly increase, starting at the bulb end.

- The two green cells opposite each other (for example, the first and last cells in row 4, or the first and last cells in column 6) always sum to 9.

- In addition, somewhere in the grid there is a 3x3 magic square which does not overlap with any of the green cells.

f-puzzles link

Solution code: row 8

Last changed on on 3. September 2020, 18:29

Solved by SirWoezel, smckinley, shinkimancer, Nejaru, SenatorGronk, hpoddar08, Greg, polar, Noggin, bosjo, MumboJumbo, edwinap, Julianl, pippilotta, Isa, JonnyKaufman, Playmaker6174, zorant, ThrowngNinja, ... Frans Wentholt, MagnusJosefsson, idegas, Imperial Marcher, jimblek, Nairi, morgannamodeaura, keelyc27, LadyRuatha, apwelho, Vebby, 999ARMEN999, Uhu, ManuH, Hazem-77, SKORP17, HighEagle, Sewerin
Full list


on 3. September 2020, 18:29 by clover
forgot to mention the thermometer rules!

on 3. September 2020, 16:03 by SirWoezel
Very surprising. I didn't expect this was going to be this much fun.

Rating:84 %
Solved:42 times
Observed:11 times

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