Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Invisible Sandwiches

(Published on 29. August 2020, 17:50 by Stavros96)


- Clues outside the grid give the sum of the numbers between the 1 and 9 in that row/column

- All hidden sandwich clues are consecutive to the first digit in that row/column from the dash (sandwich clues can be 0)

- Normal sudoku rules apply

Penpa Link: Click Here

F-Puzzles Link: Click Here

Note: Solving in Penpa will allow you to mark the sandwich clues to what you think they are. In f-puzzles you can’t edit them, so will have to get creative.

Solution code: Row 5 and row 6 (no spaces)

Solved by MartinR, SlowLarry, karen_birgitta, Lizzy01, Isa, Julianl, NikolaZ, ManuH, SquaringSquirrel, dm_litv, Realshaggy, SameEagles, MumboJumbo, meowzzz, moss, mackerel, geronimo92, Mesmer, Willy Wonka, ... smckinley, washyleopard, zHana2020, zorant, Rollo, rcg, Workout9, Zzzyxas, zlotnleo, isabelringo, bflat, Matt, MalkoMann, _chucklehead, brandon_bot, jchan18, zhergan, rachelwu57, Saskia, zrbakhtiar
Full list


on 29. August 2020, 19:27 by karen_birgitta
I really enjoyed this variant!

Rating:88 %
Solved:56 times
Observed:11 times

Standard puzzle Puzzle variant

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