Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Odd Killer Sandwich Sudoku

(Published on 29. August 2020, 04:48 by DiMono)

Standard sudoku rules apply.

Grey circles indicate odd digits

Killer cages have a number in them that indicates the sum of their digits. Digits may not repeat within a cage.

Clues outside the grid indicate the sum of the digits located between the largest and smallest digits in the row/column

Solve on f-puzzles

Solution code: Row 6, column 6

Solved by Greg, cdwg2000, meowzzz, Quarterthru, dm_litv, CaballeroOscuro, henter, Kabuki73, Julianl, ArisK, EuphKid31, Shmartus, Noggin, Marcos, Progman, MumboJumbo, pippilotta, stefliew, Nothere, Snowhare, ... mlkj, zer0keefie, Bart, alanprado, apendleton, Cane_Puzzles, alihanz, Vebby, SudokuExplorer, Crul, Uhu, StephenR, Carolin, Saskia, zrbakhtiar, SKORP17, tess, Schesam, Gotroch, Sewerin, Krisonium
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on 30. June 2021, 21:22 by Vebby
Beautiful construction!

on 10. December 2020, 17:39 by Thylin
Loved it, thank you!

on 30. August 2020, 21:01 by karen_birgitta
This is a good example of a puzzle combining several rule sets but still being easy to understand, and which you don't have to reread the rules every 10 seconds. Great!

@geronimo92: You realize half of the comments before yours are about exactly that (and explaining it)? Even if you don't bother translating them, it is fairly simple to just take a quick look and spot the "1", "9", "6*6 Sudoku" and "Copy-Paste" written in them:)

on 30. August 2020, 17:55 by geronimo92
"Between the largest and smallest digit in the row/column??" couldnt you just say between 1 and 9 as usual ???

on 30. August 2020, 13:06 by niaji
fun solve :)

on 29. August 2020, 12:36 by Zzzyxas
@Marcos: Jetzt hast Du ja schon den ersten Lösungsschritt verraten. :)

Im Ernst: Ich vermute, das soll eine allgemeine Standardbeschreibung sein, die z.B. auch für 6x6-Sudokus gelten würde. Das hat den Vorteil, Copy-Paste-Fehler zu vermeiden.

on 29. August 2020, 12:32 by Marcos
Die größte und die kleinste Ziffer in einer Zeile/Spalte ist immer die 9 bzw. die 1. Verwirrend beschrieben. Oder wie ist das gemeint?

on 29. August 2020, 06:17 by cdwg2000
Eliminating the sandwich rule is the only solution

Rating:86 %
Solved:89 times
Observed:10 times

Puzzle variant Arithmetic puzzle

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