This is my second sudoku.
See if you can spot the trick(s)!
By the way, the name has nothing to do with this:
We independantly happened to come up with the same name for different things (though it is both based of the same thing, making it a logical name choice...)
Normal sudoku rules apply. Digits in cages cannot repeat and must sum up to the small number in the top-left corner of the cage.
Play it online here:
Solution code: Column 4
on 18. December 2024, 04:54 by Richard
Very nice puzzle!
First glimpse at all the hidden comments learns me that I had a totally different approach than other solvers. Interesting!
I will go through your intended solve path later for learning purposes. :)
on 11. January 2021, 14:57 by Lizzy01
Thanks everyone!
on 11. January 2021, 03:41 by TotallyNormalCat
Very satisfying solve and cool title ;)
on 10. January 2021, 21:22 by Lizzy01
on 10. January 2021, 21:17 by Ours brun
Very nice one, but you may want to add the rules although it is a common variant. :-)