Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Broken Ring

(Published on 10. January 2021, 20:15 by Lizzy01)

This is my second sudoku.

See if you can spot the trick(s)!

By the way, the name has nothing to do with this: logic-masters.de/Raetselportal/Raetsel/zeigen.php?id=00054G

We independantly happened to come up with the same name for different things (though it is both based of the same thing, making it a logical name choice...)

Normal sudoku rules apply. Digits in cages cannot repeat and must sum up to the small number in the top-left corner of the cage.

Play it online here: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=yyrgyrsx

Solution code: Column 4

Last changed on on 10. January 2021, 21:22

Solved by Ours brun, primovera, karzym, rimodech, Willy Wonka, cdwg2000, Narayana, TotallyNormalCat, rcg, SudokuExplorer, SirWoezel, Storm, AsilG, PixelPlucker, zorant, NikolaZ, skywalker, cfop, ManuH, apwelho, PsychedelicCreature, valle1124, hanzhongbaohe, misko, Richard, SXH, SKORP17
Full list


on 18. December 2024, 04:54 by Richard
Very nice puzzle!
First glimpse at all the hidden comments learns me that I had a totally different approach than other solvers. Interesting!
I will go through your intended solve path later for learning purposes. :)

on 11. January 2021, 14:57 by Lizzy01
Thanks everyone!

on 11. January 2021, 03:41 by TotallyNormalCat
Very satisfying solve and cool title ;)

on 10. January 2021, 21:22 by Lizzy01

on 10. January 2021, 21:17 by Ours brun
Very nice one, but you may want to add the rules although it is a common variant. :-)

Rating:91 %
Solved:27 times
Observed:11 times

Standard puzzle Puzzle variant Arithmetic puzzle

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