Cave Fillomino #0 (5x5 teaser)
(Published on 22. August 2020, 23:48 by Jesper)
This was planned to be the example for the description of a full-sized puzzle with the same rule-set (now finished:
10x10 Puzzle). But I quite liked this little puzzle, so I decided to post it as a teaser instead. The cave hybrid rules that I use in this rule-set are inspired by Phistomefel's phenomenal
Cave Sudoku.
1) Standard Filomino rules apply:
- Divide the grid into orthogonally connected regions
- Each cell must contain a number equal to the number of squares in its region
- No two regions of same size may share an edge
2) Cave hybrid rules apply:
- Some of the cells are to be shaded gray, so that all gray cells (the walls) are orthogonally connected to the edge, and all remaining cells form an orthogonally connected area (the cave)
- In an orthogonally connected area of gray cells, no numbers may repeat
- Each cell marked with a large circle is inside the cave, and its number indicates how many cave cells can be seen from it orthogonally (including the cell itself), given that walls obstruct the view
- For some clue cells, the number needs to be determined during the solve
Penpa: Cave Fillomino #0 (5x5 teaser)
SudokuPad: Cave Fillomino #0 (5x5 teaser)
The puzzle follows:
Solution code: row 1 followed by row 5, concatenated (no commas or spaces)
Last changed on on 9. September 2023, 16:33
Solved by rimodech, cdwg2000, dm_litv, Zzzyxas, Yohann, Eggr, NikolaZ, moss, apiad, MagnusJosefsson, skywalker, zorant, Dandelo, Voyager, Quarterthru, spxtr, ropeko, pirx, MartinR, Rollo, jessica6, ... h5663454, Frutlop, Martijn314, jkuo7, StephenR, Linnce, penguin137, Vasefire, Snookerfan, Sewerin, wooferzfg, Lizzy01, Playmaker6174, Tacosian, isajo4002, MaizeGator, aliciaprobably, starelev5
on 29. November 2023, 21:16 by Playmaker6174
Cool teaser before the actual 'monstrous' puzzle incoming, I'm quite scared of how it will go in the near future x)
on 19. February 2023, 11:30 by Piatato
Lovely snack!
on 2. August 2022, 18:41 by PrimeWeasel
Nice teaser :)
Last changed on 13. October 2020, 22:12on 13. October 2020, 22:10 by Madmahogany
Lovely teaser, will go on to the 10x10 now.
Edit: Did the 10x10, absolutely brilliant
on 4. October 2020, 22:55 by Lucx
Also da habe ich ganz schön dran geknabbert. Die Regeln wollten nicht so recht in meinem Kopf ankommen ;-) Daher fand ich es doch eher schwerer als angegeben. Coole Idee jedenfalls. Mal sehen, ob ich mich demnächst noch an das große traue. Vielen Dank!
Last changed on 30. August 2020, 15:44on 30. August 2020, 09:08 by spxtr
Nice puzzle! I'm looking forward to the 10x10.
EDIT @spxtr: Thanks a lot! The 10x10 was actually posted yesterday. I have edited the description of this puzzle to include a link to it.
on 29. August 2020, 21:57 by Jesper
Difficulty level increased. This puzzle is only easy once you have analyzed the rule-set and discovered how to apply it effectively. As the rule-set will be new to most (if not all) solvers, 1 star difficulty level was most likely not appropriate.