Normal Sudoku rules apply (1 to 8).
Sandwich Sudoku: clues outside the grid give the sum of the digits between the 1 and 8 in that row.
Doubling Snake: in the grid is a snake (of orthogonally connected cells), starting at the green cell and ending at the red cell. Its digits read off doubling numbers in order. For example, if the green head was a 3, the snake would read off the digits of 3 6 12 24 48 and so on up to some point, in order. The snake must end exactly at the end of a number in the red cell (for example, it could finish at the end of the number 48 in the sequence above, not half way through the number 48). The snake may touch itself but cannot visit the same cell twice.
f-puzzles playable link: here.
Best of luck! If you'd like a hint, go here.
Solution code: Row 7 and row 8.