Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Magical Miracles

(Published on 20. August 2020, 17:37 by OmeWappie)

This puzzle is based on the Miracle Sudoku by Mitchell Lee.

1. Normal sudoku rules apply
2. The central box is PARTLY a magic square. The top and bottom row of the box are caged, and have killed the magic. The rest of the rows, columns and diagonals do sum up to the same number.
3. Normal thermometer rules apply. Meaning the digits have to increase from the bulb onwards.
4. Normal killer sudoku rules apply. Meaning the digits have to sum up to the number in the upperleft corner.
5. Consecutive digits can't share an edge.
6. Identical digits can't be a knight's AND king's move apart.

Happy solving!
To solve the puzzle online: F-puzzles

Solution code: Row 9 + Column 9 (like 123456789123456789)

Last changed on on 21. August 2020, 08:34

Solved by Isa, Greg, rimodech, Blombit, MumboJumbo, Narayana, dade, ThrowngNinja, jgarber, zorant, fpac, Frans Wentholt, dskaff, aneoid, JGLP, marcmees, NC1403, WsMontyG, MavericksJD, edwinap, Julianl, ... GD20, soroush, ForzaFcu, moss, rcg, Kigor, apendleton, mainakdatta, LadyRuatha, ParaNox, ManuH, Uhu, cdwg2000, Raistlen, geronimo92, Nairi, Crul, zrbakhtiar, rlg, PunkAssNumberBoy, Blake Saligia
Full list


on 23. August 2020, 20:06 by Ryx
@SKORP17 Ja, Regel 5 bedeutet, dass sich aufeinander folgende Ziffern nicht orthogonal berühren dürfen.

on 23. August 2020, 20:01 by Ryx
Very nice. I got really stuck for a while after I resolved the mostly magic square. Then figured out how to proceed (thanks to your mention that this was based on Mitchell Lee - that got me going again).

on 22. August 2020, 06:06 by panthchesh
Very fun thank you! :)

on 22. August 2020, 01:11 by SKORP17
Ich bin irritiert, meine Lösung wurde akzeptiert, obwohl Regel 5 nicht beachtet ist. oder was ist mit can't share an edge gemeint? das heisst doch wohl diagonal? Ich habe darauf geachtet, dass aufeinander folgende Werte nicht orthogonal stehen.

on 21. August 2020, 22:47 by daarook
Spend far more time than i'd like to admit spotting the first digit outside of the central square. after that it filled in quickly

on 21. August 2020, 08:34 by OmeWappie
Changed the color of the middle box, to make the thermometer better visible.

on 20. August 2020, 22:33 by OmeWappie
@aneoid I'm gonna make it a different color tomorrow, quite hard to see indeed. Bit of a optical illusion if you look long enough at the thermometer lol!

on 20. August 2020, 18:27 by Greg
@aneoid The thermometer is in the central box, it might be difficult to see against the blue background.

It goes R4C5 -> R5C6 -> R5C5 -> R6C6 -> R6C5

Last changed on 21. August 2020, 04:18

on 20. August 2020, 17:40 by aneoid
Am I the only one not seeing thermometers here or on F-puzzles?

@Greg Thank you.

@OmeWappie It's all good, and I thank you for another fun puzzle. Keep up the good work.

Rating:77 %
Solved:62 times
Observed:9 times

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