Place the given set of dominoes (blocks of 1x2 cells) into the grid, such that all dominoes are connected, but they may only touch diagonally (by their corners). Green cells must contain a (part of a) domino. Black cells cannot contain a domino. Clues outside the grid indicate the sum of all digits in the corresponding row or column.
The puzzle is also available on Penpa.
Ignore the given green cell if you want a real hard challenge. But probably some bifurcations are needed then, so that's why I've put it in the grid.
Solution code: Rows 2 and 3. Use an X for an empty (or black) cell.
on 23. December 2022, 23:57 by Myxo
Great puzzle!
on 2. February 2021, 23:55 by ibag
Da kann ich ffricke nur beipflichten: Das ist ein wirkliches Ausnahmerätsel, das sehr viel mehr Löser verdient! Einfach klasse!
@ibag: Danke sehr :)
on 2. February 2021, 23:08 by ibag
Da kann ich ffricke nur beipflichten: Das ist ein wirkliches Ausnahmerätsel, das sehr viel mehr Löser verdient! Einfach klasse!
on 24. December 2020, 11:02 by Genomico
Thank you Eggr en ffricke :) And well done solving it.
on 22. December 2020, 10:10 by Eggr
Nice puzzle.
I made my way through it but I had SO much bad assumptions/logic that tripped me up along the way, luckily it was relatively easy to course correct by focusing on the broken bits without having to start over.
Very thankful for the 'extra' green square, otherwise I probably wouldn't have finished.
on 29. September 2020, 21:08 by ffricke
Ein wirklich schönes Rätsel. Es hat viel mehr Löser verdient !!!!
on 18. September 2020, 20:28 by MagnusJosefsson
Wow, amazing puzzle! It definitely deserves a lot more solves. There were some in my opinion quite complex logic midway that I'm guessing might be hindering some people. Fortunately, I stuck with it and was rewarded with a wonderful puzzle where everything came together beautifully in the end.
@Magnus: Thank you very much Magnus for your kind comment :) I'm glad you stuck with the puzzle and enjoyed it.
on 15. September 2020, 02:09 by Genomico
Increased difficulty