Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Yellow Brick Road

(Published on 15. August 2020, 00:11 by meowzzz)

Normal sudoku rules apply, fill each row, column, and box with the numbers 1 through 9.
Thermometer sudoku rules apply, increasing and non-repeating from the bulb.
The yellow brick road must be a fully orthogonally connected region across the entire puzzle.
Thermometers are walls where the roads cannot pass thru.
Roads within each 3x3 box must contain either all even or all odd numbers.
For example:
Box X is even, it is also valid that another Box Y is odd.
Then, Box X has excatly 4 road bits, with all the numbers {2,4,6,8}.
Then, Box Y has excatly 5 road bits, with all the numbers {1,3,5,7,9}.

Link to play the puzzle: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=y4arpy2b

Solution code: only road squares from row 9, col 7

Last changed on on 16. August 2020, 06:43

Solved by zhergan, aneoid, geronimo92, Imperial Marcher, Volatility, jgarber, GTLSE, ThrowngNinja, Zzzyxas, ArisK, NikolaZ, kroutu, Quarterthru, Alex, pippilotta, GD20, panthchesh, Queteimp, inixx, Rollo, ... Shmartus, mango, sotolf, Deepanshu, quast6666, zorant, rimodech, philb, ManuH, kathykkw, mackerel, sandmoppe, Joo M.Y, isabelringo, XoZu, jchan18, lutzreimer, Altrias, marsigel, Crul, zrbakhtiar
Full list


on 11. October 2020, 16:48 by XoZu
The idea is absolutely amazing. I had so much fun solving it. However, the rules and solution code are written so poorly. I'd add to the rules something like "Road must be connected throughout the puzzle, but not necessarily in each individual box." That's what messed me up first time solving. Also, in the solution code I'd put an "and" or "+" instead of the comma.

on 17. August 2020, 11:52 by HumveeRuin
Very fun solve!

on 16. August 2020, 06:43 by meowzzz
Updated description, hopefully the rules are clearer :)

on 16. August 2020, 03:47 by panthchesh
That was a lot of fun!! Thanks for clearing it up!! It would have been better for you to say the yellow cells create an orthogonally connected region containing either ALL evens or ALL odds in the 3x3 squares (and can be even in one 3x3 square and odd in another!) I was confused with the road aspect, since this did have some streets that ended :)

Last changed on 15. August 2020, 06:39

on 15. August 2020, 06:36 by meowzzz
Sorry, let me try to clarify the rules.

Road bits are only even or odd within each box.
For example:
Box X is even.
Then, Box X has excatly 4 road bits, with all the numbers {2,4,6,8}.
It is also valid that another Box Y is odd.
Then, Box Y has excatly 5 road bits with all the numbers {1,3,5,7,9}.

Roads can touch at the corners but this is not considered connected.
Roads can form larger squares, T/+ junctions, etc...
The completed road region across the entire grid must be a fully orthogonally (up/down/left/right) connected region, with no isolated road bits.

Let me know if it clarifies and I'll update the puzzle description. :)

on 15. August 2020, 01:05 by aneoid
Very fun puzzle, meowzzz, congrats.

on 15. August 2020, 00:59 by zhergan
Nice idea. Thanks..

Rating:84 %
Solved:50 times
Observed:12 times

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