Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Sequence of Numbers

(Published on 11. August 2020, 16:55 by SudokuExplorer)

Solution code: Enter the 1st and 10th terms of the sequence.

Last changed on on 13. August 2020, 08:59

Solved by CHalb, Greg, uvo, Realshaggy, ChristJan, Yohann, panthchesh, WsMontyG, glum_hippo, athin, Narayana, dm_litv, RobertBe, saskia-daniela, cdwg2000, peep50183, Luigi, psams, zhergan, Joo M.Y, ... pokerke, JivkoJ, Thomster, bernhard, CJK, SeptaCube, mlkj, Subbookkeepper, gbrljt, Vebby, wooferzfg, Jakhob, KusaneHexaku, greyden, OrangieLou, Mark Sweep, Torvelo, xkbz0809, Matthew Humphrey, drf93
Full list


Last changed on 6. October 2020, 02:34

on 5. October 2020, 23:40 by SKORP17
Endlich habe ich es verstanden.

Gut gemacht!

Last changed on 20. September 2020, 16:46

on 20. September 2020, 00:32 by jessica6
Tip: Einmaleins.
(Ich hoffe das ist jetzt nicht ein zu großer Spoiler. Wenn doch, bitte Kommentar verstecken)

*** To be honest, I don't quite understand this hint. So I'll keep it unhidden.

on 14. August 2020, 01:07 by zhergan

Last changed on 13. August 2020, 14:59

on 13. August 2020, 14:57 by SudokuExplorer
@SKORP17 I recommend you try Voyager's Without a Word puzzle (0002Y9). I'm giving it a go as well. In that puzzle, he/she has given an example solution. You need to study that example and spot properties. Then you need to use those rules/properties that you notice, to solve the actual puzzle. Its a better puzzle than this one.

on 13. August 2020, 14:48 by Realshaggy
@SKORP17 das geht mir bei 95% der Folgen im Portal genauso. Entweder ich seh es gleich, oder ich fasse das Rätsel nie wieder an, weil es mir zu frustrierend ist. Es ist halt ein sehr spezieller Rätseltyp.

on 13. August 2020, 14:27 by Luigi
Narayanas erster Kommentar ist wirklich ein guter Hinweis. Ich stand auch wie ein Ochs vorm Berg bis ich angefangen habe laut zu lesen....

on 13. August 2020, 14:21 by Narayana
@ SKORP17 Take a look at this other puzzle
It might make more sense and once you solve that one come back here it might be just the push you need.

on 13. August 2020, 09:02 by SudokuExplorer
@SKORP17 You might prefer Voyager's Without a Word puzzle (https://logic-masters.de/Raetselportal/Raetsel/zeigen.php?id=0002Y9). In Voyager's puzzle you will need to spot patterns and try to form the rules of the puzzle.

on 13. August 2020, 08:58 by SudokuExplorer
Added hint

on 12. August 2020, 17:25 by SudokuExplorer
I forgot to add the restriction for the first term. Sorry about that.

Last changed on 12. August 2020, 08:06

on 12. August 2020, 08:06 by dm_litv
@Realshaggy You are right. The puzzle is incorrect (non-uniqueness).

on 12. August 2020, 04:46 by Narayana
Look, this comment is only a spoiler if you say it out loud!

on 12. August 2020, 00:33 by WsMontyG
Just to be a bit positive, I thought it was a really nice sequence ;)

on 11. August 2020, 19:04 by Dandelo
Naja, wenn es 3 Leute gelöst haben, ist es lösbar und es gibt Löser, die Folgen mögen.

Muss ja nicht jeder mögen.

Last changed on 11. August 2020, 18:12

on 11. August 2020, 18:11 by SudokuExplorer
@SKORP17 I'll add a hint tomorrow. :-)

Rating:64 %
Solved:52 times
Observed:2 times

Meta puzzle Sequence

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