The digits 1-9 and a distorting mirror are to be entered in each row and column. The distorting mirror sits diagonally in the field and has a concave side, which increases all numbers with the factor 2, and a convex side, which decreases all numbers with the factor 2.
Numbers outside the grid indicate X sums, i.e. the sums of the first X digits in the respective direction, where X is the first digit in this direction. Possibly, the line of sight is deflected by 90 degrees by a distorting mirror, and the digits behind it are doubled or halved.
Example with the digits 1-3:
Notice: If a hint is given, then the required number of fields must also exist. E.g. in the third row of the example there could be no hint on the right.
In the puzzle, digits in the sums are replaced by letters, the same letters are the same digits and different letters are different digits. However, the clues come from the Extratessestrian, who used an unknown number system. Which one has yet to be determined.
You can find more puzzles for practise here, here and here.
Solution code: Row 5 and column 5. N for a mirror from top left to bottom right, Z for a mirror from top right to bottom left.
on 31. October 2024, 21:35 by Myxo
Wunderschön :)
on 14. April 2022, 20:34 by Alex
better late than never solved.
Geniales Raetsel, geniale Serie!
on 3. January 2022, 10:54 by ibag
Thank you, polar! ;-)
on 3. January 2022, 09:35 by polar
Fantastic! I am very pleased to be the 10th person to solve and see that rating appear :)
Perhaps you could link this one within the other 3? I would have solved it sooner but only discovered this beauty today!
on 7. May 2021, 11:12 by tuace
Ganz wunderbar. Was hat das mal wieder Spaß gemacht mit den Außerirdischen.
on 1. February 2021, 11:32 by Lara Croft
Endlich! :-)))
Zweistellige periodische Nachkommastellen in einem unbekannten Zahlensystem. Das muss man sich erst mal klar machen, was das bedeutet. Was habe ich mich in Widersprüchen verheddert. Erst nachdem ich es wirklich verstanden und die richtige Basis zu fassen hatte, fügte sich endlich alles aufs Schönste. Klasse!
on 22. September 2020, 23:21 by ffricke
Was für ein wunderschönes Rätsel.
on 18. September 2020, 01:21 by rimodech
a beautiful puzzle!
on 24. August 2020, 11:40 by marcmees
on 24. August 2020, 09:53 by r45
Super schön und herzlichen Glückwunsch nachträglich.
on 21. August 2020, 09:46 by ibag
on 21. August 2020, 08:46 by marcmees
A truly wonderful and challenging puzzle which deserves more solvers.
on 21. August 2020, 08:30 by Statistica
Mal wieder toll! Vielen Dank!
on 16. August 2020, 11:12 by Mody
Absolut großartig. Man kann es nicht aus der Hand legen :)
on 15. August 2020, 21:32 by Mody
It is a great puzzle, and if my last idea is right, i hope, i will solve it tomorrow :).
And yes, we (LMD) are a nice community ;) and you are welcome as a part of the "Portal-Community".
on 15. August 2020, 21:25 by marcmees
@mody: who wouldn't wish a birthdaypresent like that?
on 15. August 2020, 21:16 by marcmees
Thanks again for this wonderful puzzle. I don't know anyone of the logic masters members personally but imagine them as a group of kind people. I can only see this confirmed today.
on 15. August 2020, 20:47 by psams
The mirrors are quite interesting. Normally, a concave mirror would shrink the image, and a convex enlarge! ;)
on 15. August 2020, 12:24 by Richard
Van harte gefeliciteerd Marc!
on 15. August 2020, 10:56 by marcmees
Thank you very much Gabi. I see you have a good memory. Ofcourse, I am obliged to put all further solving on hold until this puzzle, which looks fantastic, is conquered