Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

8x8 Little Killer Sudoku

(Published on 10. August 2020, 16:12 by benjamin172)

Normal Sudoku rules apply (digits 1 to 8).

"Little Killer" Sudoku rules: the clues outside the grid give the sum of the digits along diagonals (which may include repeated digits).

f-puzzles link: here. Good luck!

Solution code: Row 1 then column 7.

Solved by cdwg2000, Helyenne, Nothere, Imperial Marcher, Bianca, samuella, Alexander Rappa, zorant, zhergan, 0123coolkid, Greg, Pocalypse, adam001, Statistica, ManuH, geronimo92, GTLSE, skywalker, NikolaZ, newyork1121, Rollo, mango, Zzzyxas, apwelho, zrbakhtiar
Full list


on 10. September 2020, 22:25 by Rollo
Very nice.

Rating:85 %
Solved:25 times
Observed:14 times

Puzzle variant Small Arithmetic puzzle

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