Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Sudoku Variants Series (281) - Difference Pointers Sudoku

(Published on 12. August 2020, 00:00 by Richard)

For this Sudoku Variants Project I have planned to publish a different Sudoku variant every week. I will see how long it takes before I am running out of ideas.

Difference Pointers Sudoku
Apply classic sudoku rules.
In all cases where the difference between two horizontally adjacent digits is equal to the first digit in the respective row, an inequality sign is placed horizontally. In all cases where the difference between two vertically adjacent digits is equal to the first digit in the respective column, an inequality sign is placed vertically.

Inspiration for this type comes from glum_hippo.

Solve online in F-Puzzles (thanks Realshaggy!)

Solution code: Row 9, followed by column 9.

Last changed on on 17. January 2022, 20:18

Solved by glum_hippo, Greg, Jesper, Yohann, rcg, henrypijames, NikolaZ, Mody, Statistica, marcmees, sloffie, Senior, Nothere, kroutu, cdwg2000, Snowhare, azalozni, geronimo92, pippilotta, CptAhab, Zzzyxas, ... bbutrosghali, Gyuszi13, Crul, AMD, Dermerlin, TomBradyLambeth, Angelo, Counterfeitly, Just me, Carolin, AstralSky, OGRussHood, Nickyo, marsh, Johan, mango, qw014052, goodcity, h5663454, Marian
Full list


on 17. January 2022, 20:18 by Richard
Added tag.

on 20. November 2021, 15:57 by Richard
Added link for online solving. Thx Realshaggy!

on 12. December 2020, 21:23 by Realshaggy
f-puzzles link (using the new cosmetic circles)


Last changed on 12. December 2020, 20:05

on 12. December 2020, 19:48 by Bankey
Ah ! An easy one from Richard's unlimited mind ! Would love to attempt a more difficult one with this rule-set. Thanks, Richard, and keep them coming !!
Thanks Bankey! For a harder one of this type: see #3 of glum_hippo. Recommended!

on 15. August 2020, 18:01 by Richard
Well done SKORP17!

on 15. August 2020, 12:27 by Richard
This puzzle definitely needs more solves!
Normally I do write words like this at other authors puzzles, but in this case I think it’s appropriate here too, since I think personally that it is one of the nicest of the entire SVS. ;-)

on 12. August 2020, 21:51 by Rollo

on 12. August 2020, 10:11 by marcmees
very nice. thanks.

on 12. August 2020, 09:06 by Mody
Diese Variante finde ich unheimlich schön :)

Last changed on 12. August 2020, 09:03

on 12. August 2020, 09:03 by Richard
I realised that the latest episodes of SVS were on the hard side. Since one of the goals (that I have set for my self) is making puzzles that are interesting and solvable for a large group of players, I will (in general) try to get the difficulty a bit down again. Still: you need to realize how the intrinsic logic works before you can get started. (I hope!)

on 12. August 2020, 08:54 by henrypijames
This is indeed somewhat easier than the original series, as it only employs a subset of the logic used there.

on 12. August 2020, 06:38 by Richard
I think this type has a lot of potential; easy ruleset and lots of possible entries. I highly recommend to solve all three puzzles by glum_hippo: 0003P8, 0003Q9 and 0003V9.

on 12. August 2020, 00:59 by Greg
Wonderful puzzle!!! Now off to attempt the original!

on 12. August 2020, 00:58 by glum_hippo
..Nun ja, ein bißchen schlitzöhrig war es auch, zugegeben!

Last changed on 12. August 2020, 01:01

on 12. August 2020, 00:56 by SKORP17
ich hab mich nur gewundert, bin nicht böse. Würde ich ja auch machen.

Last changed on 12. August 2020, 00:53

on 12. August 2020, 00:52 by glum_hippo
Man konnte von vorhergehenden SVS voraussagen, wann das Rätsel eingestellt wird, und ich war ein Test-Löser für dieses Rätsel. Bitte nicht böse sein :-)

Last changed on 12. August 2020, 00:48

on 12. August 2020, 00:46 by SKORP17
Ich frage mich ernsthaft, wie es möglich ist, das Einstellzeit und Lösungszeit übereinstimmen.

on 12. August 2020, 00:00 by glum_hippo

Rating:97 %
Solved:113 times
Observed:18 times

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