Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Broken Killer Sudoku

(Published on 10. August 2020, 08:14 by Narex)

Killer Sudoku rules apply: digits cannot repeat inside a cage and each cage must sum to the clue given in the top left corner of the cage.

In addition, normal Sudoku rules apply except for two broken rows and two broken 3x3 boxes. In each of these broken rows and boxes, exactly one digit from 1-9 is repeated (and thus, another one is omitted). Thus, for example, one of the broken rows may appear as: 672349881 (8 is repeated, 5 is omitted). There are no broken columns.

For convenience, here is a link to the puzzle in penpa and another link to the puzzle in f-puzzles (thank you @Narayana).

Solution code: Row 3 and row 8.

Last changed on on 13. August 2020, 21:56

Solved by MagnusJosefsson, Luigi, Yohann, Julianl, cdwg2000, Narayana, Ours brun, NikolaZ, misko, zorant, Lurcane, SamuPiano
Full list


on 15. August 2024, 00:33 by SamuPiano
Very cool concept :)
Nice job for your first puzzle!

on 13. August 2020, 22:00 by Narex
@Narayana Thank you for the kind words and the specific advice! I am very grateful that you took the time to write all this out. The difficulty has been changed (I tried to do that after @MagnusJosefsson's comment and when I couldnt figure it out I assumed that it had aleady been rated 5 times, sorry for the confusion). I will take time to do some research/solving before setting more puzzles for LMG.

on 13. August 2020, 21:57 by Narex
The difficulty has been changed from 4 to 3 stars at the advisement of some helpful commenters. I also included an f-puzzles link provided by the kind @Narayana. No content of the puzzle has been changed, only aspects of the LMG posting.

Last changed on 12. August 2020, 08:07

on 12. August 2020, 08:02 by Narayana
Nice puzzle!

Just a few comments:

I sincerely do not believe this is 4-star (will continue the explanation why in hidden).
I believe this will get rated between 2 or 3 stars depending on the solvers, after all staring is subjective and yet on average eventually there is consensus. The problem is the average won’t really show until there is enough votes and there can’t be votes without solves so at first you want to attract solvers and by rating it wrong you are shooting yourself on the foot.
This puzzle is very approachable and you will miss some audience scaring them with 4 stars.

I know you are new and thus might not know what 4 star or 5 star means here but that brings me to something else, very important, that I have been advising other people so the following is a copy paste:
My advice to new members is: solve more puzzles!

The more puzzles you solve the more you contribute to the community. The more answers the puzzles get the better the rating works and the more answers your own puzzle will get when it is time to set. If the puzzles you have created all are based on the same idea, just wait a couple days before posting the next as to not tire your audience and mitigate the flood.
When solving, try to solve a wide variety of star-rated puzzles first to get a sense of what the ratings really mean and then if say for example you want to post a 3-star puzzle then solve several 3-star puzzles from other people first.
Please do not think that I am being unfriendly! I enjoyed your puzzle a lot and just want to be helpful. There is currently a flood going on (long story) and I am just trying to help new setters with these issues.
One last thing: I used f-puzzles instead of penpa. Feel free to share this link.


It will also mark with red the broken parts so the end result will look nice! Though of course it won’t validate as an answer.

on 10. August 2020, 20:13 by Narex
@MagnusJosefsson Thank you for the feedback. I'm glad you liked it. As for the difficulty, I am not well adjusted to the expectations of difficulty on LMG and I figured it would be best to overshoot (I would feel bad if a novice tried this since the twist requires you know how to exploit certain killer clues).

on 10. August 2020, 09:48 by MagnusJosefsson
Pretty straightforward (probably not 4 stars difficulty imo) but fairly nice and an unusual idea. Very good job for your first attempt.

Last changed on 10. August 2020, 08:03

on 10. August 2020, 08:02 by Narex
This is my first attempt at puzzle setting, any feedback is well appreciated.

Solved:12 times
Observed:11 times

Puzzle variant New English knowledge Computer assistance Arithmetic puzzle

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