Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Yajilin - Gather

(Published on 15. August 2020, 07:00 by athin)

Rules of Yajilin:
  • Draw a line to make a single loop.
  • Lines pass through the centers of white cells, horizontally, vertically, or turning. The loop never crosses itself, branches off, or goes through the same cell twice.
  • The numbers with arrow show how many black cells there are in the direction of the arrow.
  • The loop only passes through the white cells and black cells cannot touch horizontally or vertically. The loop has to pass through all white cells.
  • Some parts of the loop may already be given (by the green lines.)

The standard Yajilin rules apply.

Solution code: Row 3 and Row 4 (left-right). Use L for cells with a bend in the loop, I for cells with a straight in the loop, and X for cells without loop.

Last changed on -

Solved by NikolaZ, adam001, Zzzyxas, Jesper, dm_litv, saskia-daniela, moss, Alex, kroutu, CHalb, skywalker, Voyager, Nothere, JGLP, zorant, rcg, Rollo, ffricke, cornuto, Julianl, Mody, jessica6, JoeGun, ... moeve, lstefan2002, IvanZ59, wardn6, bernhard, hopppe, p the menace, cdowell, Dook, tiuhto, Mark Sweep, NIGHTCRAULER, TJReds, cici0729, Toastbrot, SirPenguinOfDoom, Mittag, Greg, jkuo7, drf93
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on 19. January 2021, 09:30 by checkoway
Penpa edit link: https://git.io/Jttq0

Rating:84 %
Solved:84 times
Observed:3 times

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