Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Polyamarrows Slingshot Sudoku

(Published on 3. August 2020, 20:00 by stephane.bura)

Normal Sudoku rules apply.

If an arrow is present in a cell, the digit in the cell the arrow comes from appears in the grid in the direction of the arrow at a distance of N cells,
where N is the digit in the arrow's cell.

Some possible arrows are not given.

Penpa-Edit link for this puzzle to play it online.
The cell at the "tail" of an arrow in the Penpa grid is the one on the side of the arrow.


Solution code: Row 1, row 2

Last changed on -

Solved by Greg, samuella, Yohann, Isa, Nejaru, aneoid, henrypijames, Jesper, marcmees, Julianl, kroutu, cdwg2000, psams, geronimo92, Mody, mse326, Big Tiger, karen_birgitta, marcinj, SirWoezel, puzzlemuncher69, sloffie, birkenfeld, NikolaZ, polar, GTLSE, stefliew, Statistica, Uhu, tinounou, keelyc27, ManuH, marsigel, Piatato, sandmoppe, Luaryo, dogfarts
Full list


on 7. February 2023, 00:22 by Piatato
Very nice!

Last changed on 6. August 2020, 13:29

on 6. August 2020, 13:11 by henrypijames
Actually, I consider this one the hardest in the series so far.

Stéphane: I'm posting one this evening that'll make you change your mind ;)

on 5. August 2020, 19:52 by stephane.bura
Congrats Big Tiger!
The first one in the series is the most approachable after this one, now that you've grasped the logic :) Good luck!

on 5. August 2020, 19:24 by Big Tiger
FINALLY! I have seen your many previous "slingshot" puzzles, and have tried them, but I seem to always get stuck. Managed to finish this one. Maybe now I'm better warmed-up for the others, ha ha.

on 5. August 2020, 06:58 by Mody
Tolle Konstruktion

on 4. August 2020, 10:10 by marcmees
enjoyed it

on 3. August 2020, 23:23 by aneoid
I really enjoyed this puzzle, Stephane. Thank you.

Rating:95 %
Solved:37 times
Observed:15 times

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