Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

The 2020 Untouchable Mystery Sandwich Sudoku

(Published on 30. July 2020, 02:32 by swaroop2012)

Untouch + Mystery Sandwich Sandwich


1. Normal classic rules apply

2. Same digits cannot touch each other diagonally.

3. Clues outside the grid indicate the sum of the digit(s) that have to be placed between the digits X and Y in the respective row or column. The values of X and Y have to be determined by you, but they are the same throughout the entire puzzle.

This is my 2nd Sudoku on LMD. Start is tricky but purely logical.

Inspired from recent Richard Stolk Puzzle: Mystery Sandwich Sudoku

Thanks to Prasanna and Ashish for test solving it.

Solve Online

Solution code: Row 1 and Row 9 (without spaces)

Last changed on on 30. July 2020, 13:45

Solved by wenchang, Narayana, MumboJumbo, kishy72, NikolaZ, MartinR, zorant, Yohann, cdwg2000, marcmees, Mody, geronimo92, SudokuExplorer, samuella, Madmahogany, rcg, ch1983, Prasanna16391, MavericksJD, bakpao, tc327, SirWoezel, marcinj, philb, ManuH, Imperial Marcher, moss, bob, Statistica, Vebby
Full list


Last changed on 30. July 2020, 22:12

on 30. July 2020, 22:05 by SudokuExplorer
I enjoyed this very much, thanks for the puzzle! :-)
(Ps I don't think I used the untouch/anti-king constraint)

on 30. July 2020, 13:58 by swaroop2012
Thanks MartinR and Rollo. I have fixed the link. Before activating the puzzle when I tested the link, it was working and it still works for me, I realized there are some characters in the link which might be because of my logged in. Will be careful next time, was not aware of that possibility. Thanks again for letting me know.

on 30. July 2020, 13:45 by swaroop2012
Sorry about the broken link. Fixed it I think. Thanks for pointing out.

on 30. July 2020, 12:13 by MartinR
The link doesn't work for me either.

Richard's version of this is at https://logic-masters.de/Raetselportal/Raetsel/zeigen.php?id=0003QI

(which was itself inspired by my puzzle at https://logic-masters.de/Raetselportal/Raetsel/zeigen.php?id=0003I5

Last changed on 30. July 2020, 11:17

on 30. July 2020, 11:15 by Rollo
The Puzzle ID of Richards SVS 274 is 3QI. The link does not work on my computer.

Rating:91 %
Solved:30 times
Observed:9 times

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