ONE TWO THREE FOUR — Buchstabenrätsel
(Published on 29. July 2020, 21:27 by logopolys)
Place the letters of the phrase "ONE TWO THREE FOUR" into the grid so that no letter appears more than once and the following restrictions are obeyed.
1. No letter touches an adjacent letter of the alphabet on an edge or corner.
2. Only two of the following statements are true:
• The box number for one of the letters of the word "ONE" is 1.
• The box number for one of the letters of the word "TWO" is 2.
• The box number for one of the letters of the word "THREE" is 3.
• The box number for one of the letters of the word "FOUR" is 4.
3. The box numbers of the letters in the word "ONE" are increasing within the word (but not necessarily directly one after the other). The same is also true with "TWO," "THRE," and "FOUR."
4. Only two of the following statements are true (treat these words as sums):
Penpa Link
Solution code: All nine letters in increasing box number order.
Last changed on on 30. July 2020, 00:01
Solved by DocLogic, Zzzyxas, zorant, Alphish, SKORP17, NikolaZ, Rollo, Joe Average, saskia-daniela, Joo M.Y, skywalker, Ragna, ManuH, flaemmchen, Nothere, mango, drolli38, lutzreimer, Nensche777, Rollie, ... Mody, ffricke, CHalb, rimodech, Matt, zuzanina, Mathi, marsigel, Tiffy011, Raistlen, uvo, Dugong, CJK, RobertBe, GABO, Saskia, SAMT, Jordan Timm, night83, Hippologicus, humaLautema, Thomster, drf93
on 12. September 2021, 17:25 by Rollo
Kommentare löschen ist nicht schön. Leider nun zum wiederholten Mal.
on 30. July 2020, 00:01 by logopolys
Added tags.
on 29. July 2020, 22:22 by logopolys
@DocLogic: I've been going through a lot of your Buchstabenrätsel. They're very satisfying solves.
on 29. July 2020, 21:57 by DocLogic
@logopolys: thanks for picking up my puzzle idea! I appreciate it! I like the topic and hint 2; it's amazing that hint 3 works. Well done!