Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Murder Mystery Sudoku #2

(Published on 27. July 2020, 15:52 by logopolys)

Five murders, but only one suspect was seen at all five crime scenes. Who could this villain be…?

Normal sudoku rules apply. However, the six digits used in this puzzle are not given. They are all between 1 and 9, inclusive.

One of the six digits appears exactly once in every row, column, and box. The other five digits appear exactly once each only in four of the rows, four of the columns, and four of the boxes.

The numbers on the outside of the grid are the sums of all digits appearing between the highest and lowest digits of that respective row or column. The digits on the arrows sum to the digit in their respective attached circle.

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Solution code: Row 2 followed by column 1, as a single 10-digit string.

Solved by Madmahogany, Amedoru, sloffie, cdwg2000, NikolaZ, zorant, wenchang, zhergan
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on 27. July 2020, 17:15 by Madmahogany
Very simple design, found it a bit tough. Nice construction!

Solved:8 times
Observed:11 times

Puzzle combination Puzzle variant Arithmetic puzzle

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