Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Countdown: Doppelblock

(Published on 26. July 2020, 04:00 by pin7guin)

Blacken some cells, so that there are two black cells in every row in every direction. Write numbers from 1 to 5 in the white cells: In every direction each number appears at most once.

Numbers outside the grid show the sum of the numbers in this direction between the two black cells.

Transfer: B is the sum of all numbers in row 6.

Solution code: Row 3 and row 6, „S“ for blackened cells.

Last changed on -

Solved by r45, Yohann, saskia-daniela, dm_litv, Joe Average, NikolaZ, Puzzle_Maestro, Zzzyxas, ibag, pirx, skywalker, marcmees, Nothere, Mody, moss, ManuH, HaSe, Dandelo, AnnaTh, cornuto, ffricke, zuzanina, ... Accingite, miez, Simon919, Drawoon, Counterfeitly, Rollie, HKtrying, NIGHTCRAULER, dragoond, jogerth, lanark, hopppe, suse, Jordan Timm, Piatato, Eierkopp121, rubbeng, Thomster, Saskia24, drf93
Full list


on 25. November 2021, 13:44 by drolli38
sehr schön, gefällt mir sehr gut!

on 19. February 2021, 17:01 by BMEP
puzzle set on penpa: https://git.io/Jty5g

on 4. September 2020, 20:49 by Lucx
Vieeln Dank! Nettes Rätsel

on 29. August 2020, 23:42 by punkyguy
Thanks pin7guin, was a very nice puzzle.

on 29. August 2020, 23:34 by pin7guin
The red clues have something to do with the birthday of the person this puzzle is dedicated to.

on 29. August 2020, 23:31 by punkyguy
Solved it but wouldn't say it was 1 star easy.

Not sure why some of the clues are in red and others in black?

Rating:90 %
Solved:115 times
Observed:6 times


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