Yajilin / Skyscrapers
Rules inspired by Prasanna Seshadri's Skylines
Shade some cells black and then draw a single non-intersecting closed loop through all remaining white cells. Black cells cannot be orthogonally adjacent. Clues outside the grid act as Yajilin and skyscraper clues at the same time.
Clues indicate the exact number of blackened cells in their rows and columns. There may exist some blackened cells that are not pointed by any arrow.
Straight loop segment lengths represent the height of a building. Clues indicate how many buildings can be seen when looking from that point into the grid, with buildings blocking the view of shorter buildings and those of the same height. Skyscraper clues can only see loop segments along their respective rows or columns; a clue along a row cannot see vertical loop segments and a clue along a column cannot see horizontal loop segments.
Unlike regular skyscraper rules, the heights of buildings in a row or column can be the same.
Solve on puzz.link
Solve on Penpa Plus
Solution code:
For rows 3 and 10 and for each cell from left to right, type "I" for a straight loop segment, "L" for a turn, and "X" for a blackened cell.
For the example rows 4 and 6, the solution code would be IXLILXLL ILILXILL.
on 8. August 2020, 10:20 by stefliew
@CHalb I noticed that my intended solution path for the Slitherlink Akari had a wrong assumption around the midpoint which means solvers would have to resort to trial and error. It's very hard for me to fix it so I've been putting it off, but thanks for reminding me about it. Also, it's far too easy for solvers to make a mistake like I did and miss out lightbulbs seeing each other or cells not being lit. I think Prasanna's 9x9 is a good size for Slitherlink Akari unless there's a proper platform like puzz.link for this exact variant where cells are automatically lit / checked and errors are immediately highlighted.
on 7. August 2020, 10:47 by CHalb
Off topic: stefliew, I really like the concepts of your puzzles. I hope you can reactivate your Slitherlink Akari some day.
on 26. July 2020, 07:58 by stefliew
Updated example image
on 22. July 2020, 20:52 by stefliew
simplified solution code
on 22. July 2020, 15:20 by stefliew
Fixed multiple solutions; thanks to dm_litv for spotting it! Solution code remains unchanged. I apologize for uploading a puzzle with multiple solutions.
on 22. July 2020, 00:48 by stefliew
@dm_litv I'm rather sure that the solution is unique! If you don't mind, could you provide a link to some images and tell me what your possible solution codes are in a hidden comment? (Just in case you got it right and my solution code example is too troublesome)
Each clue must have the correct number of blackened cells and see the correct number of buildings. A single loop must pass through all white cells.
on 21. July 2020, 22:44 by dm_litv
2 solutions and none of the solution codes are accepted :(
on 21. July 2020, 19:15 by stefliew
Clarified rules