Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Sudoku Variants Series (285) - Pole Position Sudoku

(Published on 9. September 2020, 00:00 by Richard)

For this Sudoku Variants ProjectI have planned to publish a different Sudoku variant every week. I will see how long it takes before I am running out of ideas.

Pole Position Sudoku
Apply classic sudoku rules.
The digit in the first cell of each row and column indicates the position of the digit 1 in the respective row or column.

Inspiration for this type comes from Eric Fox.

Solve online in F-Puzzles (thanks glum_hippo!)

Solution code: Row 9, followed by column 8.

Last changed on on 20. November 2021, 16:06

Solved by NikolaZ, Voyager, Greg, Rollo, Senior, ThrowngNinja, SKORP17, Eric Fox, meowzzz, cdwg2000, glum_hippo, dtado, zhergan, r45, SudokuExplorer, smckinley, stefliew, dm_litv, boomsoon, rcg, Uhu, ... snaiks, Hydalin, Nickyo, Just me, martin1456, Johan, zrbakhtiar, mjozska1985, september, Jordan Timm, asii, cascadeshiker, pepe74287, juventino188, goodcity, Saskia24, k2u5as, koiking, Piatato
Full list


on 8. December 2023, 00:36 by cascadeshiker
Very nice. I really enjoyed that. Thanks for setting and sharing.

on 26. March 2022, 18:54 by Realshaggy
I realized yesterday that Pole Position is just a special Numbered Rooms Sudoku :-)

on 20. November 2021, 16:06 by Richard
Added link for online solving. Thanks glum_hippo!

on 29. September 2020, 02:30 by BenceJoful
Very nice! I enjoyed watching the options for 1 placement evaporate until they all just fell into place.

on 10. September 2020, 21:52 by SudokuExplorer
@glum_hippo The first thing that came to my mind was a jellyfish.

on 10. September 2020, 20:31 by glum_hippo
The givens look a bit like the logo of the Android OS, at a 45° angle.

on 9. September 2020, 20:49 by alok1511
Thank you Eric for the cool variant and thank you Richard for the puzzle. Being new to the forum, really enjoyed my first solve!

on 9. September 2020, 20:42 by DJV
My first solve on this website! Thanks for the nice puzzle!

on 9. September 2020, 17:22 by Mody
Hat großen Spaß gemacht :)

on 9. September 2020, 16:40 by Joseph nehme
Thank you Eric for the cool variant and thank you Richard for the great puzzle. I enjoyed it a lot :)

on 9. September 2020, 06:28 by Richard
@Eric Fox: sure I liked it. When I first saw it, I had to think of the type Sudoku one-five-nine (SVS 247), but in your's there is a nice interplay between rows and columns. So it definitely can be distinguished as a new type and it's very suitable for SVS. Even stronger: I finally managed to make a two-star sudoku again ever since my long after-WSC2019-break! :-)

on 9. September 2020, 01:41 by glum_hippo
f-puzzles link: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=y33kz2r7 (thanks to @EricFox)

Last changed on 9. September 2020, 01:19

on 9. September 2020, 01:19 by Eric Fox
Great puzzle! I'm glad you liked my idea :)

@Rollo remember, the 5s and 7s in C1 have to describe the location of the 1s.

on 9. September 2020, 00:44 by Rollo

Rating:89 %
Solved:190 times
Observed:14 times

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