Solution code: Enter 1st row (left to right), followed by 1st column (top to bottom), followed by digits in cells T,Z,A,E and L without any spaces/commas. Eg 123456789123456789TZAEL (23 digits in total).
on 26. July 2020, 14:04 by SudokuExplorer
These killer triplet cages are more interesting than I initially thought. Next Thursday I will probably post a puzzle showcasing the logic that I initially missed when setting this one.
on 25. July 2020, 09:35 by tzael
@SudokuExplorer yes, a nonuplet sounds as fun as Rook Sudoku :)
I enjoyed solving the puzzle very much, great setting and thank you again, as any Klingon would say, a great honor! :)
Edit: @tzael I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thank you for introducing me to some new logic! :-)
on 25. July 2020, 08:14 by SudokuExplorer
@tzael I'm glad you like the design!
Btw quadruplet and quintuplet cages can exist under normal sudoku rules. I'm not too sure whether a sextuplet cage or higher can exist (It would have to spread itself into at least six regions, making it fairly large and maybe harder to use in a sudoku). I think a nonuplet cage (nine of each digit) might just be the whole sudoku!
on 24. July 2020, 23:37 by tzael
@SudokuExplorer Thank you so much, what a treat! Looking forward to solving it tomorrow, it looks great and I love the triplets (how far can we go?)
on 24. July 2020, 20:32 by SudokuExplorer
@panthchesh and @marcmees
I'm pleased you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed tzael's twin killer puzzles
on 24. July 2020, 11:01 by marcmees
fun solving
on 24. July 2020, 06:34 by panthchesh
Very fun puzzle :)