Solution code: Row 4 followed by column 4, as a single 12-digit string.
on 17. June 2022, 19:51 by PinkNickels
2:33. Fun speed run
on 7. December 2020, 22:07 by panthchesh
Thanks for the puzzle! :)
on 27. October 2020, 04:44 by mada_madita
link to solve the puzzle
on 22. August 2020, 05:37 by apiyo
Thanks Logo! A quick and enjoyable solve.
on 17. August 2020, 10:03 by RobertBe
Definitely needs the diagonal constraint, in exactly the way the author describes.
on 5. August 2020, 13:13 by OmeWappie
Nice puzzle! I actually solved it without using the diagonals. It should be possible!
on 2. August 2020, 16:05 by Hauke
nice one, thanks
on 23. July 2020, 18:59 by logopolys
@jplank Without the diagonal constraint, I can solve until I have only r3c2, r3c4, r4c2, r4c6, r6c4, and r6c6 left in a deadly pattern. I don't think it's possible to resolve this portion without the diagonals (although only one, not both are needed).
on 19. July 2020, 20:05 by aneoid
Very nice puzzle, thank you.