Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Whirlpool Sudoku

(Published on 17. July 2020, 10:11 by donut and chicken)

Normal irregular sudoku rules apply. (Place every number from 1 to 9 in all rows, columns and 9-cell regions.)
In addition, normal killer sudoku rules apply. [The number in the corner of a cage is the sum of all the digits inside its cage, and digits cannot repeat within a cage.]
Finally, the "rings" in the grid [similar to killer cages but more rounded and does not have a number for a sum, and it always contain two digits] contain the only instances in the entire grid where two adjacent cells have consecutive digit values.

The puzzle:
Alternative Name: The Roundabout Sudoku

Solution code: Column 8 (top to bottom), then Row 6 (left to right), no characters in between; Example: 12356789123654789

Solved by Rotstein, NikolaZ, zorant, Richard, s4rify, sloffie, Joe Average, geronimo92, Zzzyxas, ParaNox, SudokuExplorer, DiMono, glum_hippo, Bootenks, SKORP17
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on 12. November 2021, 21:37 by Bootenks
It was challening, but makeable in a sensable time.

I knew some strats when it comes to irregular sudokus that's why it has a 3/5 difficulty imho. (without them it could be noticeable harder)

Ty 4 creating&sharing. It was a lot of fun.

Last changed on 11. November 2021, 20:46

on 11. November 2021, 20:43 by DiMono
Here's the puzzle in f-puzzles: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=yet27vov

CTC app: https://bit.ly/3wBrcKu

on 7. August 2020, 03:02 by geronimo92
Really more than 2 stars I swear !!

on 17. July 2020, 15:06 by glum_hippo
There is now a penpa version: https://is.gd/LBbSeY I used colors to indicate the consecutives. Feel free to link to it in your instructions!

on 17. July 2020, 12:38 by Rotstein
Harder than I expected, but very nice

Rating:88 %
Solved:15 times
Observed:11 times

Puzzle variant Arithmetic puzzle

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