Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Damen-Chaos für die Kaffeepause

(Published on 16. July 2020, 23:17 by glum_hippo)

Normal Jigsaw Sudoku rules apply: each row, column, and irregular box contains the digits 1-9.

In addition, the digits 3,6, and 9 are queens, i.e., must not see an equal digit along the same diagonal.

Nothing innovative in the logic, but it is hopefully still enjoyable!

Penpa Link

F-puzzles link - Thanks, @Soumil99

Those who can't get enough of multiple-queens Sudoku might try my 'Five Queens little killer'.

Solution code: The first row and 3rd column (18 digits total)

Last changed on on 20. September 2021, 18:00

Solved by Rotstein, zhergan, marcmees, Lifaja, chickenspeed19, donut and chicken, ManuH, zorant, Nothere, Isa, rcg, derwolf23, lutzreimer, Soumil99, NikolaZ, hawranomut, saskia-daniela, Mody, NC1403, ... skywalker, Uhu, bob, udukos, Realshaggy, Zzzyxas, badelatschen, jchan18, Kigor, fuxia, cdwg2000, ffricke, SKORP17, Dragon, Vebby, starelev5, PepperWood, PixelPlucker, flaemmchen, zrbakhtiar, Sewerin
Full list


on 20. September 2021, 18:00 by glum_hippo
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Rating:86 %
Solved:51 times
Observed:10 times

Puzzle variant Online solving tool Chess

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