Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Jukebox Thermo Sudoku

(Published on 16. July 2020, 22:16 by JonnyKaufman)

I am an opera singer by profession, but, as we all know, the pandemic has halted the classical music industry (save for a few houses in Europe that have now opened!). Because I miss performing these incredible works, I sought to incorporate musical themes into a puzzle. Thus, the Jukebox Sudoku.

The rules provided incorporate a musical theme simply for fun. I understand not everyone knows musical jargon, so non-music themed rules are provided below the picture. I hope you enjoy it, and I hope we can all enjoy music together again soon. Be well!


Music-Themed Rules:

1. Normal Sudoku Rules apply.

2. Box 5 is a "Turn Table" and all other boxes are "Records"

3. On each Record, the central digit is the "Interval" between the red square and either the yellow square (sum) or blue square (difference).

4. However, one Record is a "Broken Record" where the aforementioned boxes do not equal the center digit.

5. Digits on the Turn Table cannot be a "minor 2nd" (King's move in chess) away from the same digit.

6. The Turn Table "Arm" and the EQ/dB "Knobs" are thermometers that increase starting from the bulb end.

7. Digits in red or blue squares are a "Perfect 5th" (Taxi Cab distance of 5) away from the same digit on the Turn Table.

8. Digits in blue squares cannot repeat. Digits in yellow squares cannot repeat. Digits in red squares CAN repeat.


If this were a valid 9x9 Sudoku grid, consider how digits in red or blue squares taxi to the central box. Also, notice how the red, blue, and yellow squares interact in boxes 2 and 6. In box 2, 3 (blue) - 2(red) = 1 (central). 2+9 would obviously not be a valid equation for the central digit, as one cell cannot be 11.

Puzzle also available to solve on F-puzzles: Jukebox Sudoku

Standard Rules:

1. Normal Sudoku rules apply.

2.Thermometers work as normal - increasing starting from the bulb.

3. Digits on blue and red squares must have a taxicab distance of 5 from the same digit in Box 5.

4. Digits in Box 5 cannot be a King's move away from the same digit.

5. In all Boxes excluding Box 5 (this means Boxes 12346789), the digit in the center of that Box is either the "difference between the red and blue digits in that Box" or "the sum of the red and yellow digits in that Box". There is exactly one Box (other than Box 5) that does not follow this rule.

6. Digits in blue squares cannot be repeated. Digits in yellow squares cannot be repeated. Digits in red squares can repeat.

This is the third puzzle in my series of Thermo Design Puzzles. Please check out the others via links below:

1. Magical Kingdom Sudoku (Featured on CTC).

2. Zigzag Thermo Sudoku.

4. Thermo Arrow Sudoku.

5. Thermo Sandwich Sudoku.

Solution code: Column 1, Row 8. No spaces or punctuation (e.g.123456789123456789)

Last changed on on 12. August 2020, 23:56

Solved by Greg, donut and chicken, Rotstein, NikolaZ, s4rify, geronimo92, zorant, Imperial Marcher, zhergan, bob, Titonious, edwinap, ThrowngNinja, morgannamodeaura, ParaNox, Sewerin
Full list


on 12. August 2020, 23:56 by JonnyKaufman
Added links to other puzzles in series.

on 10. August 2020, 21:49 by JonnyKaufman
Added example grid and explanation.

Last changed on 31. July 2020, 15:37

on 31. July 2020, 15:27 by JonnyKaufman
Updated link to puzzle due to error with TinyURL links being broken.

on 18. July 2020, 22:00 by JonnyKaufman
Updated difficulty.

on 18. July 2020, 15:16 by uvo
It happens quite often that puzzle authors misguess (mostly underestimate) the difficulty of their own creations.

I wouldn't worry too much. The blue star estimate is only temporary anyway; after ten ratings from solvers, the temporary rating is replaced with the solvers' average.

Last changed on 18. July 2020, 23:23

on 18. July 2020, 14:31 by geronimo92
I really dont understand how this can be rated 2 stars sincerely.... not the first time indeed

@geronimo92, I understand this, and apologize for any frustration is causes. It’s easy to under-estimate the difficulty because, while setting the puzzle, the logic to solve becomes such second nature. I appreciate the feedback, and will consider this with future puzzles. Glad you were able to solve it, and I hope it was enjoyable!

on 18. July 2020, 13:55 by JonnyKaufman
Removed unnecessary tags, changed title.

on 16. July 2020, 22:23 by JonnyKaufman

on 16. July 2020, 22:22 by JonnyKaufman
Updated description.

Rating:75 %
Solved:16 times
Observed:11 times

Puzzle combination Puzzle variant Chess

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