Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Double Loop Nonogram

(Published on 16. July 2020, 16:11 by zHana2020)

Double Loop Nonogram

Open in Penpa

There are three sets of clues for this puzzle;

The Black numbers (up + left) indicate the length of cells that need to be black and the Green numbers indicate the length of cells that need to be green. Each of these colours form individual closed loops which may not touch themselves orthogonally but can touch each other.

There can never be a 2x2 region of a single colour and the loops may not branch off.

Additionally, the loops may 'bridge' each other, the number of 'bridges' in each row/column is indicated by the numbers in black circles (right + down).

Loops can only bridge one cell and the bridged cell will not be indicated with a 1 clue.

Example with bridges indicated in in red

Solution code: Lengths of empty (white) cells in row 5 (e.g. from example grid empty cells in row 5 would be 1 2 1) without spaces.

Last changed on on 16. July 2020, 16:35

Solved by pippilotta, Luigi, Zzzyxas, moss, NikolaZ, zuzanina, zorant, bob, rimodech, Alex, Raistlen, misko, ildiko, DiMono, CHalb, jessica6, Uhu, ManuH, puzzler05, aliciaprobably, arangues, drf93, NEWS, pkp, hirassy
Full list


on 11. June 2023, 11:52 by CHalb
I think some more solvers for this puzzle would be fine. And many hints less, too :-).

on 3. June 2023, 03:54 by DiMono
I really enjoyed this. It was a nice bite-sized logic puzzle.

Here's a working penpa link: https://tinyurl.com/7hn4z5b7

on 9. August 2020, 18:36 by bob
This was kind of fun, good for weekend break.

on 16. July 2020, 18:18 by SudokuExplorer
Use tinyurl to make your link shorter in length. Then you will be able to add it. I had the same problem the first time I tried to add a penpa link.

on 16. July 2020, 17:21 by pippilotta
Very easy, but nice idea though.

on 16. July 2020, 16:35 by zHana2020
Last try

on 16. July 2020, 16:29 by zHana2020
Link didn't work

on 16. July 2020, 16:28 by zHana2020
Added link to solve on Penpa

Rating:81 %
Solved:25 times
Observed:7 times

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