Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Cryptic Battlefield Sudoku

(Published on 18. July 2020, 19:57 by Jesper)

This puzzle is a Battlefield Sudoku, based on the original ruleset invented by Big Tiger, but with encrypted clues. At the time that I set this, I was unaware that Carrick22 had actually already made a cryptic variant of Battlefield a while back, so in fact, my idea to combine the two was not new. Credit to Big Tiger and Carrick22 for innovating.

- Normal Sudoku rules apply
- Consider the first X and last Y cells of a row or column, where X is the value of the first cell and Y is the value of the last cell; clues outside the grid give the sum of the digits where these groups overlap, or the sum of the digits in the gap between these groups
- Any cell that is part of an overlap both in its row and in its column is coloured red
- Any cell that is part of a gap both in its row and in its column is coloured green
- Cells that are white are not part of two overlaps, and not part of two gaps
- In the clues outside the grid, each digit 0 to 9 has been replaced by a unique letter A to J; it is part of solving the puzzle to determine how they pair up
- If a clue is presented as two letters, the first letter corresponds to the tens digit of the number, and the second letter to the units digit
- The tens digit can never be 0; all single digit numbers are shown using one letter
- The letter “E” is not used in any clue, but could still correspond to any one of the digits 0 to 9

In case anyone has problems distinguishing colours, the three shaded cells in box 5 are red, and the shaded cell in box 4 is green.

Penpa+: Cryptic Battlefield Sudoku

SudokuPad: Cryptic Battlefield Sudoku

The puzzle follows:


Solution code: row 7 and row 8 (18 digits, no comma or spaces)

Last changed on on 8. September 2023, 17:57

Solved by Greg, MagnusJosefsson, wenchang, Nylimb, NikolaZ, henrypijames, emmettcito, zorant, marcmees, boredduck, Alex, Alexander Rappa, DiMono, Vebby, Mark Sweep, polar, PixelPlucker, StephenR, lerroyy, Christounet, Tacosian, starelev5, draftstyle
Full list


on 30. August 2023, 23:30 by Christounet
Superb !!! I loved every aspect and every step of that puzzle. The cryptification, the geometry, and the final touch, which I did see coming but impressed me nonetheless. Thanks :)

on 4. May 2023, 18:34 by StephenR
Excellent puzzle, thanks. Battlefield is invariably a fruitful variant in my experience. Good use of the negative constraint here too.

Last changed on 3. March 2021, 21:16

on 3. March 2021, 18:23 by DiMono
My quest to complete all the battlefield sudoku is one step closer to completion. Had a couple stumbles where my logic was wrong and I had to backtrack, but it still only took about 1:40:xx.

Of course, having a cheat sheet of possible end combinations from making my own last year helped too. :D

EDIT @DiMono: well done! Good luck on completing your quest!

on 13. November 2020, 00:24 by Jesper
@Alexander Rappa: much appreciated, thanks a lot for taking the time to solve an older puzzle without a rating! I actually gave up a long time ago on this puzzle ever getting enough solves :)

Vielen Dank auch an @Alex!

on 12. November 2020, 23:12 by Alexander Rappa
Shame this puzzle didn't get a rating until now! Glad I found it and was able to get it to enough solves for everyone to see that it's a great (and challenging puzzle).

Last changed on 19. July 2020, 18:04

on 19. July 2020, 18:03 by henrypijames
If we're concerned about accessibility for color-blind people, I suggest replacing red and green squares with grey X and O signs in the future.

Last changed on 19. July 2020, 15:03

on 19. July 2020, 15:01 by henrypijames
Very nice - minimalist yet with a clear logical path, never felt any need to resort to try and error.

on 18. July 2020, 21:26 by Greg
Excellent! Very enjoyable solve.

Rating:99 %
Solved:23 times
Observed:12 times

Puzzle variant Online solving tool Coded puzzle

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