Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Palindrome Snake Sandwich (Sudoku)

(Published on 14. July 2020, 18:56 by Tricorn)

Rules in Plaintext:

Palindrome Snake Sandwich Sudoku

  1. Sudoku rules apply.
  2. The three shaded squares are the head, tail, and midpoint of a snake. A snake is a continguous line of orthogonally connected squares that do not loop back and touch itself orthogonally or diagonally at any point.
  3. The non-snake squares form a single contiguous area.
  4. The digits on the snake form a palindrome.
  5. The digit in the midpoint square of the snake does not appear anywhere else on the snake, all other digits appear an equal number of times (no other digit appears more often than any other).
  6. The blue numbers outside of the grid tell you how many snake squares are in that row/column.
  7. The green numbers outside the grid are sandwich clues (the sum of all the digits appearing between the 1 and the 9 on that row/column).

Solution code: Enter the digits located on the snake starting from one endpoint up to and including the midpoint.

Last changed on on 21. July 2020, 03:34

Solved by SirWoezel, Lizzy01, Lifaja, NikolaZ, zorant
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on 21. July 2020, 14:02 by SirWoezel
Excellent puzzle. Quite hard but very rewarding.

on 21. July 2020, 03:34 by Tricorn
Shaded cell moved from r6c3 to r6c2

on 21. July 2020, 03:32 by Tricorn
Puzzle Correction!

Thank you everyone for your thoughtful help. I’ve corrected the puzzle, the shaded snake square is row 6 was in the wrong position by 1 square. It was supposed to be in col 2, not col 3 as in the original image.

My apologies for the error, and I hope this works better!

on 20. July 2020, 17:51 by Lizzy01
I think it is broken

on 14. July 2020, 22:17 by Tricorn
Additional formatting fixes.

on 14. July 2020, 22:11 by Tricorn
Fixed plaintext rules formatting

on 14. July 2020, 22:10 by Tricorn
Added plaintext rules

Last changed on 14. July 2020, 21:45

on 14. July 2020, 21:44 by glum_hippo
This puzzle looks cool! Please include the rules in plain text for accessibility and for translation software. Then you can also get rid of the 'knowledge of english language' tag.

on 14. July 2020, 20:10 by Tricorn
You need to figure out which square is the midpoint. (It's not given).

If you would like a hint about where to start - feel free to send me a quick email at garret -at- tricorngames.com

on 14. July 2020, 20:02 by ThrowngNinja
To clarify, do we have to figure out which square is the midpoint or is it a given? I'm having trouble starting this one

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Observed:10 times

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