Solution code: Row 5
on 16. July 2020, 18:23 by davidagg
Multiple solutions
on 14. July 2020, 18:15 by Greg
Unfortunately I think you've misunderstood the logic behind unique rectangles. You can't use unique rectangles to prove a puzzle has a unique solution, as the technique itself relies on the puzzle already being unique to allow the rule to be applied.
I'm not great at explaining these things but there's definitely some good online resources that will explain it better than I would.
on 14. July 2020, 17:08 by brandonstitt
This puzzle does require the "Unique Rectangles" logic once near the end. There is one solution if you use that logic to make an elimination.
on 14. July 2020, 10:21 by Ours brun
This puzzle has several solutions.
on 14. July 2020, 01:06 by brandonstitt
Fixed formatting
on 14. July 2020, 01:05 by brandonstitt
Added penpa link for solving
on 14. July 2020, 01:01 by brandonstitt
Fixed images