Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Moon-or-Sun - 2x1-Dominoes

(Published on 28. July 2020, 07:00 by athin)

Rules of Moon-or-Sun:
  • Draw a line to make a single loop.
  • Lines pass through the centers of cells, horizontally, vertically, or turning. The loop never crosses itself, branches off, or goes through the same cell twice.
  • A region, bordered by bold lines, is called a "room". The loop goes through each room only one time. Once the loop leaves a room, it cannot return to enter this room.
  • In each room, the loop goes through all of the moon cells or all of the sun cells. The loop cannot pass through both moon cells and sun cells in one room.
  • After the loop goes through the moons in one room it has to go through all the suns in the next room it enters and visa versa.

The standard Moon-or-Sun rules apply.

Solution code: Row 7 (left-right). Use L for cells with a bend in the loop, I for cells with a straight in the loop, and X for cells without loop.

Last changed on -

Solved by stefliew, Luigi, cdwg2000, dm_litv, r45, Greg, mandourin, saskia-daniela, ffricke, Zzzyxas, Nothere, pokerke, NikolaZ, skywalker, rimodech, Eggr, Rollo, moss, SeptaCube, zorant, geronimo92, AnnaTh, ... Nusi, jessica6, Matt, adam001, marsigel, zuzanina, sandmoppe, misko, GrabeR, Raistlen, Dugong, Dandelo, Tajgero, Mark Sweep, Realshaggy, Terrapin, Torvelo, Sktx, webato, Thomster, Gotroch, drf93
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on 21. August 2021, 12:42 by Dugong

- Alle Räume müssen durchlaufen werden, aber nicht alle Felder darin. In den jetzt noch leeren Räumen kann also auch eine Mond&Sonne Kombination sein.

Missing rule:

- All rooms must be crossed but not all fields in each room. The now empty rooms can also contain sun&moon combinations.

on 28. July 2020, 09:31 by Luigi
@stefliew: Yes, that´s it! Thank you!

Last changed on 28. July 2020, 09:27

on 28. July 2020, 09:18 by stefliew
@Luigi I think cells that are blank can be moons or suns.

Edit: Yup, ALL cells must be moon or sun just that the blank cells must be figured out by the solver. Here's also a Penpa link for anyone who wants to try this puzzle online.


Last changed on 28. July 2020, 08:28

on 28. July 2020, 08:18 by Luigi
If rooms with moons and rooms with suns have to follow each other, there are six rooms with moons only and 11 rooms with suns only. That does not work.

Rating:79 %
Solved:55 times
Observed:5 times

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