Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

JCQ #2: Python (Palindrome Snake Sudoku)

(Published on 12. July 2020, 21:19 by peterchayward)

I met John Cleese a few weeks back, and - knowing he's a big fan of Sudokus - made him a quintet of puzzles inspired by his work. They get progressively harder.

Play on F-Puzzles.

Normal Sudoku rules apply. Additionally, the final grid will contain a python, which begins and ends at the given 9s. The python may not touch itself orthogonally or diagonally.Digits on the python, starting from each end and moving inward, will form a palindrome.

In the final grid, numbers in blue squares will show how many of the 8 surrounding spaces consist of python. They cannot be python themselves. Not all blue squares are given.

Visit my website for print-friendly and colorblind accessible versions of all my puzzles.


Solution code: Center column, top to bottom.

Last changed on on 2. August 2020, 12:48

Solved by Player, zhergan, geronimo92, marcmees, skywalker, rberger, sloffie, zorant, washyleopard, NikolaZ, Alphish, Madmahogany, Quarterthru, Jesper, bob, henter, Nothere, kuzmoyev, einalem, juhish, dandbdi, ... Zzzyxas, Realshaggy, shafer, Jaych, Saskia, SayaQuestir, 21Tallan, Mody, guybm, FeddaHigh, lfm, Krokant, apwelho, Simon919, codewizard, asdfqwerguy, Gotroch, OldCaptainWZJ, Luaryo, mluciano98, ManuH
Full list


on 14. July 2020, 05:04 by rberger
Beautiful puzzle!

on 13. July 2020, 12:51 by marcmees

on 13. July 2020, 01:19 by zhergan
Very nice one! Thanks:)

Rating:97 %
Solved:45 times
Observed:11 times

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