Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Thermal Galaxy Killer

(Published on 11. July 2020, 15:29 by Alexander Rappa)

This puzzle is inspired by Phistomefel's Galaxy Killer puzzles. The puzzle is a mixture of a Killer Sudoku, Thermo Sudoku and a Spiral Galaxy Puzzle.

Normal sudoku rules apply. The circles given in the grid are the centers of pointsymmetric galaxies, which function as cages for the Killer Sudoku. The numbers inside the circles indicate the sum of the digits in the cages. In addition, each cage is a "thermometer". Along thermometers, digits must increase from the bulb end, but the bulb end is not given. The cages/thermometers cannnot "branch" (there are only two ends to each thermometer). The digits in a cage/thermometer may not repeat. Not every cell in the grid has to be part of a galaxy. Solve Online

Solution code: Row 5 Column 9

Solved by zorant, MumboJumbo, Jesper, dylanamite, cdwg2000, NikolaZ, SudokuExplorer, japoorva, Madmahogany, Hareeb, pdebruine, geronimo92, stealthg0d, ch1983, broadwayscientist, zhergan, marcmees, Luigi, bob, edwinap, Tilberg, polar, SquaringSquirrel, tinounou, harrison, moss, dagwosh, cfop, Mody, PixelPlucker, OGRussHood, trashghost, Sewerin, steeto
Full list


on 7. November 2021, 09:24 by Mody
Klasse gemacht und sehr schön zu lösen.
Great made and very nice to solve.

on 24. July 2020, 05:05 by Alexander Rappa
@marcmees thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed it

on 23. July 2020, 21:59 by marcmees
this was an extraordinary puzzle experience. Thanks a lot.

on 11. July 2020, 20:24 by Alexander Rappa
@Yohann yes they are I will clarify

on 11. July 2020, 20:16 by Yohann
Are 1-cell galaxies allowed ?

Last changed on 11. July 2020, 16:08

on 11. July 2020, 15:50 by henrypijames
Does a galaxy always have to one cell wide, or can it contain a 2×2 block (creating a self-touching snake thermo).

@henrypijames: self-touching snake thermo is ok. The thermo just need to be symmetric around the point.

Rating:96 %
Solved:34 times
Observed:8 times

Puzzle combination Arithmetic puzzle

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