Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Snake Egg Sum Sudoku

(Published on 20. July 2020, 20:00 by Quarterthru)

This is the final puzzle in my Snake Sum series. I may design more. But for now, I will publish some of my other sudoku puzzles with simpler rule sets. Thank you all for solving my Snake Sum series and look forward to what comes next.

Snake Egg Sum Sudoku

Normal sudoku rules apply except that the regions are irregular.

Additionally, a snake has to be drawn into the grid. The head and tail of the snake are in the two cells with the grey circles. The snake may not touch itself orthogonally, but it can touch itself diagonally.

The clues outside the grid indicate the sum of the digits located on the snake in the corresponding row/column. Considering "Snake" and "non-snake" as two colors, the given digits (1-4) show how many cells orthogonally connected to the given are of a different color to the color of the given cell itself. All such possible digits are shown. NOTE: Digits placed by the solver CANNOT be true or they would have been given

Givens can be on or off the snake.

In addition, this is a snake egg puzzle. Given digits over 4 indicate the size of the non-snake region to which they belong. There are exactly 8 non-snake regions all of different sizes.

Here is a link to the puzzle on penpa

Solution code: Row 5 + Column 9

Last changed on on 21. July 2020, 07:43

Solved by NikolaZ, henrypijames, llo-7, Ninja94, Jesper, MagnusJosefsson, davidagg, marcinj, ArchonE, Mody, Bropell, DukeBG, polar, zorant, dagwosh, Krokant
Full list


on 26. July 2020, 15:43 by Mody
Toller Abschluss:)

on 24. July 2020, 22:28 by ArchonE
This has been a really fun series, thank you!

on 21. July 2020, 15:51 by henrypijames
Right, so they were hidden Easter (snake) eggs! Muahahaha...

on 21. July 2020, 07:43 by Quarterthru
Modified rules to clarify.

Last changed on 21. July 2020, 09:54

on 21. July 2020, 07:03 by henrypijames
Nice variation as the crowning finale. I will certainly miss the series.

The rules need to be edited to make clear that not all given digits, but only the given 1-4 are snake parity indicators.

Rating:94 %
Solved:16 times
Observed:11 times

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