Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Snake Sum Sudoku 5

(Published on 11. July 2020, 20:00 by Quarterthru)

Snake Sum Sudoku 5

Normal sudoku rules apply except that the regions are irregular.

Additionally, a snake has to be drawn into the grid. The head and tail of the snake are in the two cells with the grey circles. The snake may not touch itself orthogonally, but it can touch itself diagonally.

The clues outside the grid indicate the sum of the digits located on the snake in the corresponding row/column. Considering "Snake" and "non-snake" as two colors, the given digits show how many cells orthogonally connected to the given are of a different color to the color of the given cell itself. All such possible digits are shown. NOTE: Digits placed by the solver CANNOT be true or they would have been given

Givens can be on or off the snake.

Here is a link to the puzzle on penpa

Solution code: Row 6 + Column 6

Last changed on -

Solved by marcinj, Ninja94, zorant, Jesper, henrypijames, pippilotta, MagnusJosefsson, NikolaZ, Mody, ch1983, Phistomefel, ArchonE, peterchayward, bob, polar, puzzlemuncher69, FzFeather, dagwosh, moss, PixelPlucker, sandmoppe, peacherwu2, Krokant
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on 23. July 2020, 12:29 by Phistomefel
Beautiful puzzle! Tricky to solve, but never to the point that I had no idea where to look next.

on 15. July 2020, 17:51 by Mody
Große Klasse, schön kniffelig, aber absolut logisch lösbar.

Wonderful, nice tricky, but absolutely logically solvable

Last changed on 12. July 2020, 11:01

on 12. July 2020, 10:53 by henrypijames
The snake put up a real struggle this time. ;)

If this one had been first in series, I doubt I would've been able to make it. But now, all that exercise in the previous rounds has paid off.

Rating:98 %
Solved:23 times
Observed:8 times

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