1. In the solution are all 9 letters of JULI and HITZE
2. No letter touches an equal letter or an adjacent letter of the alphabet on an edge or corner.
3. The field with the H doesn't touch any vowel
4. The field with the T touches 3 fields with vowels
5. The field index number of J is greater than 4
6. The sum of the field index numbers of E and L is 11
Solution code: row after row from left to right
on 9. September 2020, 17:14 by CHalb
Witzig und wie so oft bei diesen Rätseln brauchte ich einen zweiten Anlauf.
on 15. July 2020, 16:46 by DocLogic
Stichwort "klein"
on 10. July 2020, 00:10 by Ragna
Klein, aber sehr oho! :-))