Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Stacked Sandwiches Sudoku

(Published on 8. July 2020, 08:03 by stephane.bura)

This is a variation on my previous two puzzles.

Normal Sudoku rules apply.

Two arrows of the same color pointing toward one another in a row, a column or a diagonal indicate the presence of a sandwich.
The cells containing the arrows are the boundaries of the sandwich and the digits of the sum of all the digits between the boundaries, in any order.

A cell can be a boundary for several sandwiches in the same line.
Digits may repeat in diagonal sandwiches.

[Note that the vertical arrows in R4C1 and R7C1 are black, not grey.]


Penpa-Edit link for this puzzle to play it online.

Solution code: Column 2, column 3

Last changed on on 9. July 2020, 10:23

Solved by Yohann, pippilotta, henrypijames, Player, marcmees, ch1983, zorant, skywalker, NikolaZ, Mody, bob, Uhu, Prasanna16391, japoorva, shogia, Jesper, cam, boredduck, mse326, puzzlemuncher69, ... Mitchsa, Madmahogany, bensc, birkenfeld, MagnusJosefsson, Imperial Marcher, MumboJumbo, Mino, polar, RitterCat, SudokuExplorer, Statistica, DiMono, sandmoppe, pandiani42, zhergan, OGRussHood
Full list


on 11. December 2020, 00:34 by SudokuExplorer
I really enjoyed the interaction of the nested sandwiches, thanks!

on 23. July 2020, 22:03 by bob
Looks baffling but a good solve for me thank you!

on 21. July 2020, 10:26 by Mody
Klasse Rätsel

on 9. July 2020, 10:23 by stephane.bura
Added Penpa link

on 8. July 2020, 19:07 by henrypijames
Very clever indeed. The entry was especially good - complex yet not too convoluted.

on 8. July 2020, 15:10 by pippilotta
Great puzzle!

on 8. July 2020, 13:40 by Yohann
Loved how those nested sandwiches interacted with each other. Very nice.

Rating:95 %
Solved:51 times
Observed:9 times

Puzzle variant Arithmetic puzzle

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