Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Hashi Sudoku

(Published on 4. July 2020, 17:40 by RockyRoer)

My first love for paper-pencil puzzles was "Bridges" or Hashi puzzles. Though I have fallen away towards problems with more arithmetic like sudoku, I still enjoy them and wanted to combine them together, so here you go.

Puzzle Description:

Normal Sudoku Rules apply

Also, the numbers in the circles represent 'islands' that must all be connected into a single network of horizontal and vertical bridges. Between any pair of islands is at most 2 bridges. The numbers on each island indicate the total number of bridges coming out of that island. Bridges may not cross each other. Some islands that appear right next to each other may still have (really small) bridge(s) connecting them.

The numbers to the left of the grid represent the sum of the numbers under the horizontal bridges in in that row. The numbers above the grid represent the sum of the numbers under the vertical bridges in that column. Note, islands that are next to each other may be connected by bridges that don't have any numbers under them.

The numbers on the bottom and right sides represent the total of the numbers under all bridges in that row or column. Important: if a number is under a double bridge, it will be counted double in these totals (but not the other totals). The diagonal total is also the sum of the numbers under all bridges in the diagonal, with some numbers doubled as necessary.

In the example above you can see all the bridges connecting the islands. Notice how the total number of bridges leaving an island is equal to the number in that circle. Notice the sums on the left and top, and larger totals on the right and bottom.

Here's the puzzle:

Solution code: The numbers along the single diagonal, from upper left to lower right.

Last changed on on 6. July 2020, 13:38

Solved by cdwg2000, moss, NikolaZ, Richard, sf2l, zorant, bob, ParaNox, zeneszerzo, Vebby, jkuo7
Full list


on 17. April 2022, 03:17 by zeneszerzo
I liked this one a lot! Almost messed up right in the beginning with a seemingly low-hanging fruit :D

Last changed on 23. October 2021, 06:42

on 23. October 2021, 06:39 by Steven R
penpa+: https://git.io/JiYqm

on 6. July 2020, 13:38 by RockyRoer
Updated example to fix total of first row.

on 6. July 2020, 12:51 by sf2l
very nice combination !!!

Last changed on 6. July 2020, 13:40

on 6. July 2020, 07:26 by sf2l
is there still a typo? the first row of the example does not look correct to me.

Reply: I fixed the puzzle a while ago, so don't think there's anything wrong there. You were right about the top row of the example, and I just fixed that. Thanks!

on 5. July 2020, 14:58 by RockyRoer
Added example

on 5. July 2020, 07:40 by cdwg2000
Regarding this problem, the difficulty may be 3-4 stars. It is not common to use Hashi as a variation rule of Sudoku. If you can explain the variation rules of Hashi Sudoku through the legend, it will make it easier for Sudoku solvers to accept your good ideas.

on 5. July 2020, 06:19 by RockyRoer
Updated to fix typo on right side from 29 to 39.

on 4. July 2020, 18:17 by RockyRoer
Added tags

Solved:11 times
Observed:13 times

Puzzle variant New Arithmetic puzzle

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