Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Partial Killer Fishnet Sudoku

(Published on 2. July 2020, 22:17 by Philipp Huber)

Normal sudoku rules apply, as well as killer-sudoku-rules.

This means, that in every light-blue pair of cells, the number in the top left equals to the sum of the pair.

Additionally the following rules apply:

All grey cells are different from each other.

Numbers in cells containing a letter fulfill the equations on the right of the grid.

The value of X is unknown and has to be deduced while solving.

Solution code: Row 7 and 9

Last changed on on 19. July 2020, 17:40

Solved by zhergan, Yohann, SirWoezel, NikolaZ, boredduck, Richard, Hareeb, joyal, zorant, Ragna, bob, Krokant, geronimo92, Madmahogany, Narayana, Uhu, OGRussHood
Full list


on 19. July 2020, 17:40 by Philipp Huber
Schwierigkeitsgrad angepasst.

Changed difficulty.

Last changed on 11. July 2020, 18:31

on 9. July 2020, 23:40 by Ragna
Das hat richtig viel Spaß gemacht :-))

Danke Dir! :)
Ich wollte mich gerade für den lieben Kommentar revanchieren und eines Deiner Rätsel lösen, aber leider hast Du keine hochgeladen. Aber was nicht ist, kann ja noch werden. :)

on 8. July 2020, 23:03 by Philipp Huber
Thank you very much @Hareeb!

on 7. July 2020, 16:02 by Hareeb
This is really pretty

on 5. July 2020, 16:06 by Philipp Huber
Changed tags

on 3. July 2020, 18:52 by Philipp Huber
Der Name des Rätsels wurde angepasst um Missverständnisse zu vermeiden.

Changed the name of the puzzle to avoid misunderstandings.

Last changed on 3. July 2020, 07:05

on 3. July 2020, 06:43 by Philipp Huber
I appreciate the comments regarding the name of the puzzle. „Window“ was just referring to what the pattern looks like and not the properties of the puzzle.
I‘ll try to come up with a better name and change it if possible.
Thank you!

on 2. July 2020, 22:22 by Philipp Huber
Dies ist eines meiner ersten Sudokus und vor allem das erste, das ich hier hochlade.
Ich bin über Tipps - sowohl zum Sudoku selbst, als auch zur Nutzung dieser Seite - sehr dankbar.
Einen lieben Gruß auch an Simon und Mark von CTC, die eine alte Leidenschaft wieder haben aufleben lassen.

This is one of my first sudokus, and also the first I uploaded to this site. I am very grateful for tips - both referring to the sudoku and to this site.
Much love to Simon and Mark from CTC, for reigniting an old passion of mine.

Rating:85 %
Solved:17 times
Observed:8 times

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