Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Cryptic Akari

(Published on 2. July 2020, 22:02 by Greg)

Akari Rules: Place light bulbs in the grid in order to light up the white cells. Light bulbs illuminate their own cell, as well as any cells they can see horizontally or vertically. Light cannot pass through black cells or the puzzle perimeter. No bulb is allowed to illuminate another bulb and any black cell with a number indicates how many bulbs are orthogonally adjacent to the cell. The puzzle is complete when all white cells have been illuminated.

In addition, for this puzzle the letters A, K, R, I represent the numbers 0-4, with one number not being used. No number is represented by more than one letter.

Click here to play the puzzle online.

Solution code: The letters A,K,R,I converted to their respective numbers, followed by the number of bulbs in rows 3,5,7,11,15 (marked with arrows). No spaces or commas needed (e.g 123412345)

Solved by Zzzyxas, Xavien , NikolaZ, Carrick22, cdwg2000, zorant, Dandelo, sf2l, ropeko, saskia-daniela, stefliew, moss, athin, Nothere, Joo M.Y, derwolf23, rimodech, dm_litv, ildiko, skywalker, sandmoppe, ... Vasefire, pokerke, Alex, Thomster, Semax, Nusi, marsigel, Raistlen, apiad, Maxst0f, Dugong, uvo, barer, CJK, Steven R, Mark Sweep, TJReds, PixelPlucker, jkuo7, Shuhua Milk, drf93, hirassy, bereolosp
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Rating:86 %
Solved:65 times
Observed:6 times

Puzzle variant Coded puzzle

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