Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

StarBattle 13x/2 : Hexominos

(Published on 1. July 2020, 12:00 by Carrick22)


Place some stars in the grid such that every row, column and bold-outlined region contain 2 stars. Stars cannot touch, even diagonally. Example with 1 star :

You can use Penpa-edit for solving it on your browser.

Solution code: Positions of stars in row 3, 5 column 1 and 12 in that order (the leftmost/upmost first); relevant rows/columns are marked for convenience. Example (all rows in descending order of example : 153624

Last changed on on 2. July 2020, 12:54

Solved by Uhu, NikolaZ, Realshaggy, Voyager, zorant, Rotstein, stefliew, cdwg2000, Dandelo, Alexander Rappa, saskia-daniela, rimodech, lutzreimer, marcmees, athin, Amedoru, CHalb, Greg, glum_hippo, Xavien , ... abadx, Ssikaijeo, Jordan Timm, geronimo92, Hydalin, Onyx, Eierkopp121, NIGHTCRAULER, P12345, Javier Rebottaro, Tacosian, Drawoon, drf93, Carolin, Titatovenoor, rätselnmachtspass, hirassy, TheZwierz
Full list


on 12. August 2021, 09:02 by Dugong
Wonderful =)

on 15. November 2020, 23:33 by justnow
This is a really nice puzzle

on 2. July 2020, 11:15 by Statistica
Nice. BTW: the german translation for this type is "Doppelstern"

on 1. July 2020, 17:29 by glum_hippo
I really enjoyed this

Rating:84 %
Solved:158 times
Observed:5 times

Standard puzzle Filling puzzle

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