Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Killer Sudoku

(Published on 30. June 2020, 12:15 by ahaupt)

This puzzle is a classic killer Sudoku: The usual sudoku rules apply. An area surrounded by a dashed line is called a cage. A number in the upper left corner of a cage indicates the sum of the digits within the cage. Digits may not repeat within a cage.

There is a purely logical solving path, which however makes heavy use of arithmetical tricks.

The puzzle is also available online with Penpa-edit.

Solution code: Row 3 and 7

Solved by MartinR, zhergan, SirWoezel, emmettcito, cdwg2000, mandourin, Madmahogany, MavericksJD, pdebruine, NikolaZ, Mosti_Mo, zorant, 0123coolkid, geronimo92, rimodech, Richard, Willy Wonka, L77059, zopieux, ... h0_0man, atzhh, PotatoHead21, kkli, PulverizingPancake, sylver, cfop, William Cheese, Imperial Marcher, ebbelwoi, Vebby, XYX, OGRussHood, Ood, aholst, lerroyy, SKORP17, Leonard Hal, Agent, valle1124
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on 21. September 2021, 10:29 by William Cheese
Easy, and nice!

on 3. July 2020, 08:39 by Mosti_Mo
Richtig heftig und gleichzeitig schön :) Dankeschön :)

on 1. July 2020, 18:14 by mandourin
Fantastic puzzle. The break-in was "something else".

on 1. July 2020, 14:58 by cdwg2000
Very good entrance!

on 1. July 2020, 08:31 by ahaupt
Many thanks for all the nice feedback. I'm very happy you all enjoyed it!

on 1. July 2020, 02:00 by emmettcito
This has to be one of the most fantastic puzzles I have ever solved. It remained consistently difficult throughout the solve, and I was especially impressed with the initial trick. Well done!

Last changed on 30. June 2020, 21:48

on 30. June 2020, 21:48 by zhergan
Very nice and challenging. Thanks..

Last changed on 30. June 2020, 20:38

on 30. June 2020, 20:33 by MartinR
Lots of arithmetic, but lots of fun :)

on 30. June 2020, 18:59 by ahaupt
Wenn jemand einen Hinweis für den Start möchte, dann schreib doch einen versteckten Kommentar und ich werde darin antworten.

If somebody wants to have a hint for the beginning, then please write a hidden comment in which I will answer.

Rating:96 %
Solved:52 times
Observed:8 times

Standard puzzle Arithmetic puzzle

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